Oct 18, 2020

Letter to the Editor of the Day

this was in the Yated Neeman (USA), and posted online in a closed group (so I can't share the original link where I saw it), but hattip to RH

I am not quite sure what this letter writer is suggesting.. Very convenient, but why didn't all that wine, meat/liver and pomegranate offer the protection that is being claimed? So many frum people died and got sick - were they all the frum vegetarians but all the meat eaters remained healthy? Were they all the people who don't touch wine, but all the wine drinkers stayed healthy? Did the handful of seeds of a pomegranate eaten on Rosh Hashana provide much protection?

And what does all that have to do with french fries?

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1 comment:

  1. What it is probably saying is that if those who feel they have gotten the virus to immediately use the Dr. Zelenko, may he be blessed, 'protocol' (hydroxychloroguine, zinc & z-pack). This is a sure cure if taken within the first five days of having the virus and in about two days, they are cured. It is well known throughout the world. The U.S. Pres. promoted this in about March but the ptb's do not allow it to be given or even be prescribed by doctors, because they want the vaccine, even at the expense of human life (power=money, control). No secret, but not being allowed openly to the public.
