Dec 23, 2020

Interesting Psak: goverment as a beis din

I haven't written about any of the piskei halacha from various rabbonim regarding taking the COVID-19 vaccine because the overwhelming number of rabbonim have said to take it and there isn't really anything interesting to write about that (unless you want to get into a discussion about the need for rabbis to determine medical issues, which I don't)..

But here is one that is interesting and slightly different.

Rav Yitzchak Zilbershtein, rav of Ramat Elchonon neighborhood of Bnei Braq, has paskened that people should take the Covid19 vaccination. According ot Rav Zilbershtein, the risks of the vaccine are minor compared to the risks of the virus itself should one contract it.

Interestingly, Rav Zilbershtein rejected the claims against taking the vaccine and added that the government authorities regarding this have the status of a beis din and must be listened to, especially with most doctors around the world saying that taking the vaccine presents is no danger, while CoronaVirus itself is a disease presenting danger to millions of people.
source: Haredim10

Declaring the authority of the government as that of a beis din is interesting. If they do not always have that authority, when do they and when do they not?

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  1. How does saying they are a "beis din" change anything? This is not a din Torah, it is a matter of issur v'heter. Is he saying that this is like a takkanah that must be followed? (And did the State of Israel make these vaccinations mandatory?)

  2. the State of Israel has not made the vaccination mandatory. Dont know if they will int he future, but as of now it is not
