Dec 29, 2020

What do Israelis wish for in the New Year? (video)

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  1. What New Year? That was back in September (Tishrei)😉

    Question: In Israel the religious celebrate the secular new years 2021?

    1. in general there is a difference between celebrating something and noting something
      this year specifically I think even the religious are celebrating the end of 2020 :-)

    2. It's funny I live in Manhattan in a 20 story co-op. There used to be an old fellow who was not frum, he was always smoking cigars even on shabbos. From talking to him, I got the impression based on his knowledge, that in his youth, either in America or perhaps in the shtetle, that he'd been frum & very learned.
      So I see him one year on Jan 1st getting in the elevator and I jokingly say to him "Shana Tova a gut gebenched yahr!" Well guess what! This mechalel shabbos screams at me "chas v'sholom! It's Chukas Hagoim!"
      I thought it so funny, and weird.😂
