Mar 2, 2021

MK Pindrus is opposed to IDF conversion system (video)

I have yet to fully understand the position of the Haredi parties with the State and the Rabbanut. On the one hand they support it and want the law to only allow Rabbanut and State conversions (probably in part because it is at least somewhat controlled by them..) but then talk against conversions performed by that very system...

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1 comment:

  1. Well, maybe if everyone would start remembering that EY is not Paris, London, NY, etc. Israel is the only Land on earth literally given by the Creator to the Jewish nation through HIS Holy Torah living according to the Laws of that same Torah. No supreme court or any entity on the face of the earth can change those facts. When there are so-called Jews who want to change G-D's Rules, it is even uglier; but, thankfully, those who have some knowledge know that those who purposely fight these Holy Laws are really not Jewish souls, it makes it a little easier to understand their twisted logic; but that doesn't mean they will get their way. The day will soon come where all their wicked intentions will be for nought. In the Land of Israel, it is the obligation of true Rabbis to make sure that Torah Laws are kept!
