Apr 28, 2021

Rav Don Segal says there won't be a government

Rav Don Segal, aka "One of the Mashgichim" made an unusual statement today. 

He said, reportedly, that "the wicked ones will not succeed in forming a government. You think there will be a government? I am telling you there will not be a government. How do I know? The gemara in Sanhedrin says that Rav Chama Bar Chanina stated that mashiach wont come until the petty government is ended in Israel. Rashi explains that they won't have even a a light or weak rule in Israel.

from his mouth to God's ears. I hope it is a sign of mashiach's impending arrival. If it is, then all this chaos may have been worth it. And hopefully this will all be resolved soon and not take another 50 or 100 or 1000 years of hatred and fighting with unending election cycles before Mashiach comes. Hopefully it will be within weeks or even months...

I am not quite sure use of the term "wicked" was necessary to make his point, but ok.

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  1. The Rav's words were completely CORRECT! Do not appease the wicked!!!

  2. I hope it's true, but don't these people's predictions never come true?

    1. when predicting mashiach, always. somehow though it seems there will be a first time for this at some point

  3. Eventually someone will correctly predict Moshiach's arrival. Just don't be surprised if it's actually Eliyahu Hanavi that does so.

  4. Eventually someone will correctly predict Moshiach's arrival. Just don't be surprised if it's actually Eliyahu Hanavi that does so.

  5. The Rav is not giving a date, just that hopefully this is the sign that will usher in Moshiach, and as Rafi says, either weeks or months. Hopefully, it will not have take longer than that!
