Jun 14, 2021

Picture of the Day

That is MK Meir Porush catching a shluf during the speeches yesterday in the Knesset at the swearing-in ceremony of the new government.

There were so many interesting scenes happening, and this is the one I think I most relate to... every Friday night (not at early Shabbos though, because there is no break with speeches) between kabalat shabbat and maariv, and almost any other time I go to sit and listen to a speech...

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  1. That Friday night D'var Halachah in my shul gives me the deepest sleep of the week. I hit REM so hard that when they start davening it's sometimes painful to wake up, like pulling out of a deep pit. Lol!

    1. I once told the guest seaker in my shul (he was an old fried) that I apologize in advance if I fall asleep but if I do he should take it as a compliment as I have fallen asleep on the greatest of rabbis and he would be in good company...

    2. Lol, The best pictures are always on shabbos.

  2. Old joke:

    Rabbi to shamash: That man is sleeping during my speech. Wake him up.

    Shamash to rabbi: That's not fair. You put him to sleep, you wake him up.
