Jul 14, 2021

defacing the Meron victims memorial

this is insane.. extremists vandalized the memorial wall in Meron, tearing down and defacing the posters of the images of the 45 victims of the Leg B'Omer tragedy.

I am not quite sure what they are being extremists about and what they don't like about this. There are not even any pictures of women included (because there were no female victims)!

I am not sure what their problem is and what this is all about, but I hope the authorities figure out who they are and put an end to this type of behavior

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  1. Until one knows who and why this was done, better to say nothing. It could be any of half a dozen kinds people for as many reasons.

    1. Come on, do you lack imagination?

      1. Arabs making an anti-Israeli protest.
      2. Anti-religious seculars protesting Orthodox.
      3. Just some kids vandalizing stuff for fun.
      4. Religious people angry at the lack of safety at Meron.
      5. What the Tweet implied -- charedi extremists protesting, I don't know what.

      Personally I think (3) is the most likely.

  2. according to the video, it does not appear to be children.

    Id guess it is a group that is protesting the upcoming investigation of the disaster and showing their displeasure that the government will be getting involved and subsequently will change or revamp or enact new rules and regulations.

  3. I am curious who defaces the posters in the Armenian Quarter about the genoicde the Turks perpetrated on them

    1. The same Jews who spit on Armenian priests
    2. Turkish tourists
    3. Jews who object to Armenians using the word Holocaust
    4. Foreign Ministry employees
    5. Bored teenages (and if so, from which part of the Old City?)
