Aug 19, 2021

Picture of the Day

After government approval, the campaign to vaccinate children in school has begun. the first school to begin vaccinating is Bais Yaakov in RBS. 

Mayor of Bet Shemesh Dr Aliza Boch said:
We are the first city in Israel to administer vaccinations in schools. Yes, vaccinations in schools. If you are not convinced, we will explain until you understand. It is our job to incentivize this. A school that vaccinates will be rewarded financially. It is important to note that I am vaccinated, I am concerned for myself and those around me. This is the meaning of responsibility in education.
We cannot force anyone to vaccinate, but we can explain. We are taking responsibility for the students and for all residents of Beit Shemesh. The policy is quite clear, and was the decision of the Israeli government. Beit Shemesh trusts the city's education staff.
We are not requiring anyone to be vaccinated. We encourage and explain. Remember that there are activities that require vaccination under the Green Pass rules. Thank you for your cooperation, I have no doubt that this message will be passed on

Bet Shemesh is a trailblazer!

People are unsure about this, if it is the right thing to get the schools involved or not. Personally I think it is ok - in Israel all vaccinations and some other medical examinations (for school age children) are done through the schools, so this is really no different. It seems as reasonable as any other vaccine being administered in school, though I do think it is better that the policy is not to force but to encourage. If it were a mandatory vaccine that would be different but as long as the vaccine is not mandatory in the general public, it should not be forced on children either.

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  1. How young are they doing vaccinations in Israel? In the U.S., it is only 12 years and up.

    1. 12 and up here as well. the girl in the picture is a 7th grader it says, so that is probably a 12-13 year old.
      they are also a running a campaign now for younger kids to do serological tests so that when school starts kids who have antibodies wont have to go into quarantine if a kid in the class gets corona. the serological tests are not being done [yet] in the schools

  2. Those poor children. This is a bad dream which the whole world finds themsekves in.

  3. They already give other vaccines in school...
