Sep 9, 2021

new level of no women in Uman

without any comment on the festival of Uman and the idea of traveling there, the following signs and behavior behind it are distasteful to me... these signs are in light of something the news reported shortly before Rosh Hashana in Uman about some people making trouble because some stalls in the market were managed by women or they employed women in the stalls. Many of the Breslav men who travel to Uman want to be what they consider pure and not have to see any women at all while in Uman. the following signs were hanging in Uman. Signs directly against women - not specifically immodesty or whatever - just women in general. One is a sign calling on people to not buy in stalls that employ women and do not have the "hechsher". The second is a picture of the hechsher certifying that a store does not employ women (and explicitly does not endorse the kashrut of said store)

some people are running a real racket there. Bringing the "protection" aspect of the Mea Shearim and Bnei Braq mafia in Israel (about which articles and news reports have recently been published. I am not just making it up) to Uman...

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  1. classic traditional Judaism once again leans to their side. How surprising

    While Opposed of this whole thing of tramping out to the Ukraine for the high holidays

    That sign Only be a problem for those who have an axe to grind

    1. Really? That's classic traditional Judaism?
      So when the Chofetz Chaim's wife ran a grocery store, no one should have been allowed to buy there?
      Hmmmm, I think some ehrliche Yid should have notified her husband of her pritzus!


    2. A red herring but nice try . as if Chofetz Chaim wouldn't have approved of having separate hours in the store for males and females if feasible

      He Likely would not have approved of going to uman altogether but in the conditions that exist over there he would have had a whole pamphlet opposing gender mixing as he was wont to do

      or are you going to try to claim the Chofetz Chaim would have approved having women parading around the edge of a religious sanctuary

    3. You're nuts!
      Not dealing with the peculiarly of Uman. You seemed to be stating that as standard across the board psak.
      I'm sure the Chofetz Chaim's store didn't have separate hours. Even in Israel in chareidi shopping districts it may occur, but certainly not the norm.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Les aym and his religious-political forbearers push legislation and develop pervasive cultural atmosphere negating separate hours > mission accomplished separate hours can be safely derided as a nutty aberration and not part of classic traditional Judaism

    Multiply exponentially and we have your lifestyle crowd and endgame rationalized
    down pat

    love the

