Sep 12, 2021

Proposed law: limit rights of security prisoners

In light of the recent prison break by convicted terrorists, MK Itamar Ben Gvir (Hatzionut Hadatit - Otzma Yehudit) has proposed a law that would curtail some of the benefits afforded to security prisoners. 

Ben Gvir's proposal would have any security prisoner who is a member of any terrorist organization that fights against the State of Israel. Ben Gvir would have the prison services not serve any meat, chicken or fish to such prisoners. At All. 

Additionally, Ben Gvir's proposed law, should it pass, would allow such prisoners visitation rights with only first degree relatives, and only once per year.

Additionally, Ben Gvir's proposed law would have such prisoners moved around form cell to cell every 30 days. No such prisoner would be allowed to remain nit he same cell for more than 30 consecutive days.

Ben Gvir explains his proposal saying that this would prevent such prisoners, usually imprisoned for killing Jews in terrorist attacks, from planning more attacks from within prison, and it would prevent them from planning escapes. As well, Arab security prisoners should not be given more benefits than Jewish security prisoners, and Jewish security prisoners such as Amiram Ben Oliel were not allowed to have cellphones in prison.
source: Israel Hayom

The proposal of moving them around every 30 days sounds reasonable to me and it could pass muster. it is hard to imagine from a human rights perspective the withholding of meat/chicken/fish and limited visitation would be allowed by the Supreme Court, even if it would pass in the Knesset. Perhaps more often than once a year, but it could be limited to first degree relatives once a month or once a week. The meat does not even make any sense or provide any benefit, so I am not sure why he proposed this - they need to be fed something with protein and nutritional value. Should they be fed just beans 3 meals a day every day?

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  1. Yes feed them 3 meals of beans a day. Or BETTER YET protein powder.
    100% nutrition, ZERO enjoyment from eating.
    how is this an infringement on their human rights? It's not like we are letting other prisoners rape them or something like that (which is common in US maximum-security prisons).

  2. I don't see how not feeding them with meat/chicken/fish is a human rights infringement. There are plenty of poor people in the world who cannot afford any of the above. Should they be worse off than prisoners with convictions for offenses which involve human rights infringements? There is no human right to any specific form of food.

  3. They could be given cans of Ensure plus some other kind of simple cheap food. No Netflix, no college degrees.
