Oct 31, 2021

Picture of the Day

this scene in Modiin Ilit  repeated itself in many places around the country, just hours before the new tax on plastic disposable dishes goes into effect, stores offered good sale prices and people went to buy as much as they could before the new incoming tax would make such purchases difficult...

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inexperience rather than malice

MK Moshe Gafni (UTJ) had some interesting criticism of the budget that is seemingly being passed - or actually of the people passing the budget. 

Gafni said that this is a bad budget by all measures - everything that the government refused to pass in the past is included. Everything the Finance Ministry clerks and officials demanded the government pass, they did. Gafni said, I thought there would be some courageous people there (no he didnt) , but there arent. They dont realize they can pass the budget without giving in to every demand of the Finance Ministry...They are afraid of Lieberman and every vote counts...

This is a harsh indictment, on one hand, by Gafni,  of the coalition members but it is also good in some regards. They are inexperienced and perhaps gave in to demands of the Finance Ministry that were previously rejected,  all due to their inexperience. 

That's ok, or at least not the end of the world. We all knew they were inexperienced. It is a whole crop of new politicians, not Netanyahu and his people any longer. By definition they have no experience, as they have not been running the government ever until just a few months ago. Inexperience we can, hopefully, survive. And they'll gain experience as time goes on.

Gafni blaming it all on inexperience also means though that it is simply inexperience and not being done out of malice or hatred to a specific community. Yes, some of the taxes and new policies, if they pass, might affect one community a bit more than others (while other policies will surely affect others more), but Gafni is saying it is based on inexperience and not malice. Malice is much worse.

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Quote of the Day

There is a difference between supporting them and between requesting things we need for our community. If they would be received in our cities with royal honors, so you would have a complaint, but if they think the fruit put out on the table is some big honor and maybe it is a sign we will joint eh coalition, so maybe we should only put out water next time..

They gave the Reform 40 million shekels, which is an average of about a million shekel for each Reform person. Tomorrow we will have a joint  consultation among Shas and UTJ and Hatzionut Hadatit to determine how to explain to the public the danger in this.

  -- MK Yitzchak Pindrus, regarding the coalition

if the Reform are only (about) 40 people, UTJ would have nothing to worry about. Even a lot of money (and 40million isnt really that much relative to the budget) to a community of 40 people isnt going to change much in the country.. obviously they are much more significant than that, or Pindrus and the rest of UTJ and Shas wouldnt be so worried or enraged.

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Headlines Podcast: 10/30/21 – Shiur 343 – Take a dip into the Halachos of Mikvaos (audio)

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Exclusive Interview With Muslim Bahraini Delegation in Israel | SHOCKING (video)

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Jewish Life Photo Bank by Chochmat Nashim (video)

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Beit Shean is ONE of the OLDEST Cities in Israel (video)

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Eli Herzlich - Kol Tefilotai (Official Music Video)

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Oct 29, 2021

Tfillah With Kippalive | V'Ha'er Eineinu (video)

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Oct 27, 2021

most Jewish World Series ever?

I am not mu of a stats guys so I don't really know - Is this the most Jewish players (3) ever playing in one World Series or have there been more?

 The Astros have Alex Bregman, while the Braves have Max Fried and Joc Pederson.

2 vs 1 means we should be rooting for the Braves, but I will wish them all well..

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Proposed Law: Daylight Savings Time

With the clocks being rolled back this Saturday night (Sunday morning) in Israel with the end of Daylight Savings Time, MKs Ali Salaha and Michal Rozin (both from Meretz) have proposed a law that would put an end to DST - if the law passes, there will be no more moving of the clock, not back and not forward.

They explain that this would put Israel in line with many countries, especially Asian , African, and South American countries that do not "change the clock" at all and this would increase savings in electricity and energy consumption, decrease the number of traffic accidents, etc. They say a sunlit country like Israel has no need for moving the clock around and not moving the clock will give us extra sunlight later in the day, leaving more time for recreation at the end of the day and will also be better for our mental health.
source: Maariv

I don't know which way is better, but I was sure happy we were done with the bi-annual fighting over DST. Ever since the actual date "algorithm" was set in law rather than fighting over the date each year, it has been a non-issue. Proposing this law means we are going to start fighting about it again - even if not when but if.

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Facebook Status of the Day

the jokes just write themselves..

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Q&A With Rabbi Efrem Goldberg (Hosted by Nachi Gordon) - Part 6 (video)

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what is the job of an IDF rabbi? (video)

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JERUSALEM. A Walk from the OLD CITY to the MAHANE YEHUDA Market (video)

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Lenny Solomon Live (video)

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Nissim Black - Higher (Official Video)

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Oct 26, 2021

funding street cats

I dont know what exactly this is for but it seems the new budget being passed is giving 12 million shekels to the street cats.

These vermin running around my porch and the garbage cans are getting more money than me!!!! And what are they even going to do with it - they dont even have thumbs!

I don't know what this is for. If this money is for the purpose of ridding Israel of the street cats, or at least a certain percentage of them, and spaying them, then it might be worth it. If it is to provide them with food and shelter, that is weird. 

I guess when we need money we'll just go to the street cats to take a loan!


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Picture of the Day

a group of mashgichei kashrut, kashrut supervisors, protested the kashrut reform outside the home of Minister of Religious Affairs Matan Kahana. The protest included signs and fake kashrut certificates scoffing at the new post-reform kashrut not being kosher and only good for Reform people, along with cooking shrimp and other disgusting prohibited animals.

1. keep it classy folks. It bothers me a little that rabbis, kashrut professionals, are out there cooking shrimp and whatnot. I know, they are trying to shock and to get their point across, but still. it bothers me.

2. if it is already so easy to get shrimp and crab and whatever else they cooked up, how will the coming reform make it so much worse from that perspective?

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Quote of the Day

We need to allow the light rail to operate every day of the week. The light rail should be treated like a Shabbat elevator that stops at every station.

  -- Mayor of Tel Aviv Ron Huldai, seemingly making a push to have the new light rail system operate on Shabbos as well

it is a cute comparison and maybe such a system could be made to work, but it does not just get "treated like a Shabbat elevator". It would need to be operating on automatic with many other details taken care of (such as payment and other mechanical and electrical issues) for it to be similar to a Shabbat elevator.

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singing in Monsey (video)

we love it when we find a goy that likes our music!

and he knows it because he is a bus driver for Satmar!

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Rabbi Yakov Horowitz Interviewed on Israel’s Channel 13 Re: Yona Weinberg Slander Trial Verdict (video)

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JERUSALEM STREET FOOD | Jewish Street Food at MAHANE YEHUDA MARKET - Street Food in Jerusalem 2019 (video)

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TIBERIAS TODAY. Descent to the SEA of GALILEE (video)

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Yonina- Min'i Kolech Mibechi / Kol Barama (video)

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Oct 25, 2021

the Randomer Rebbe

created, granted and dubbed by a dedicated reader...

Randomer would presumably be pronounced Rahn-Doh-Mur, with the stress on the Doh.


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Torah B'Tahara

This looks like an interesting initiative to keeps kids on the derech...

It seems like a fine initiative. Will it work or not - that we won't know until it is tried.

My only question is why do the parents get paid the $10,000 reward? It seems to me that the young couple is really the one deserving of the prize/reward money and most in need of it... they should be the ones getting it...


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Facebook Status of the Day

this is insane...

ok, there is a movement to only deal with shidduchim of non/anti vaxxers but turning down an organ donation????

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Quote of the Day

The fact that the vast majority think the Kotel is a Haredi shul - that is a breakdown and we must fix it. One day we will need to liberate the Kotel

  -- Minister of Transportation Merav Michaeli, in a session of the lobby for freedom of religion and the renewal of pluralistic Judaism

hmmmm... liberate the Kotel...

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Interesting Psak: smoking medical marijuana on Shabbos

Behadrei is reporting on a question posed to Rav Bentzion Kook, a posek in Yerushalayim, by an injured IDF soldier.

The soldier had been seriously injured throughout his body with extended hospital stay. He undergoes surgeries and other difficult treatments weekly, to the point that he describes his situation as death would be better than his current life. Traditional painkillers did not help provide relief, but smoking medical marijuana has helped. 

So the injured soldier asked if he would be allowed to smoke his medical marijuana on Shabbos to relieve his pain.

Rav Kook responded that being that he has the status of a sick person in a life threatening situation, a choleh sheyesh bo sakana, he can do whatever he needs, including smoking the marijuana. Rav Kook clarifies that even though the soldier's life is not actually in danger, he is still categorized halachically as being in life-threatening danger due to the type of injuries incurred. 

While there is room to be stringent and some of the earlier poskim prefer stringency in such a situation and only allow chilul shabbos in great need (when there is no actual danger of death), this situation would qualify as great need. Also, it is known that if the patient can be calmed and relaxed it can help him overcome the illness, while his pain makes him weak, in addition to the pain, and deprives him of sleep, making it more difficult to recover. For his healing this would be considered a great need. 

I wonder why he didnt suggest edibles instead of smoking, though perhaps the edibles dont have as much of an effect as the smoking does for the injured soldier.

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Rabbi Yonah on you Bet Your Life (video)

Comedy game show where a Rabbi squares off against pork for a chance to win cash and prizes

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Behind the Bima - Professor Ruth Wisse (video)

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Ask the Chief Rabbi (video)

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Jerusalem. Evening walk through the streets of the happy city (video)

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Oct 24, 2021

murder in the Corona ward

The butler did it!

Someone died of Corona, and the family had the chutzpa to mark on her tombstone that she was murdered by Beilinson Hospital in the Corona ward. Unless someone held a pillow over her face, this is a tremendous chutzpa.

The doctors and nurses and other staff in all the hospitals have been dedicated and working tirelessly to save people's lives, even when they don't do the basics on their own to give themselves as much protection as possible.

According to Beilinson Hospital, without breaking patient privacy and revealing who this was, they did say that this woman was not vaccinated, had heart and lung trouble, and had been treated at home for a long time despite being ill and was only brought to the hospital when her situation was very dire, but the staff treated her with tremendous dedication.

According to recent news reports on  Twitter, Beilinson Hospital has now filed a complaint with the police about this as incitement to violence (presumably against Beilinson staff members).

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Quote of the Day

I don't determine for them whether or not they can meet with Abu Mazen - they shouldn't determine for me where there should be a building freeze in Judea and Samaria.

  -- Minister of Housing Zeev Elkin, in response to criticism from Meretz coalition members to Elkin's decision to approve housing units in Judea and Samaria

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Interesting Psak: causing security guards to sin on Shabbos

Behadrei is reporting on an interesting psak issued by Rav Yitzchak Zilbershtein, rav of Ramat Elchonon neighborhood of Bnei Braq.

the question posed was by someone living in Ranaana. He asked that in order to get to shul on Shabbos he has to pass by a street that is considered a sterile environment with very heavy security due to a famous personality living there who has very tight security. (this would be Prime Minister Naftali Bennett)

When passing via that street, he has to produce his identification card, his teudat zehut. After the first guard lets him pass, the guard then report son his communication device to the other security guards in the area that this person was let through.

The question is, is he allowed to pass because the area requires security so it is ok or is this beyond what is allowed and necessary and his passing might be "lifnei iver" or causing others to sin as they use the walkie talkie to report his entry.

Personally I do not think reporting his entry is beyond what should be allowed, as the other guards need to know who has been checked and who has not. The question is still interesting because maybe there are other activities that might be less necessary. Another question I would have thought should be asked is if he is allowed to carry his teudat zehut on Shabbos in order to pass security to get to shul - as far as I remember learning, the teudat zehut is normally considered muktza. Perhaps in a situation like this it is not, but I think it might be a valid question. Regardless, the question asked was about causing the security guards to do thing sin the name of security that might not be 100% necessary.

Rav Zilbershtein responded that if the security guards are doing their job as there is truly a threat and danger posed, he would definitely be allowed to pass by and let them do whatever they need. Further, this would be the same even if they are really doing more than what is necessary, beyond what is necessary to neutralize the danger but because these are the accepted security protocols. He can go to shul in this situation and pass via that street.  

Rav Zilbershtein compared it to a different question regarding the holding of protests outside of stores that are mechalel shabbos. The protests might cause chilul shabbos by causing the police to come, causing people to drive a different route, other ways as well, yet it was decided it is allowed because the protestors clearly dont want the chilul shabbos and it is not considered causing someone else to sin - they are acting despite your desires, not because of them. In this case as well, you can surely pass as you are on your way to go to shul, a dvar mitzva and definitely dont want them to be mechalel shabbos.

The answer, I think, is not 100% clear in how this is different. Even if I am doing a dvar mitzva and even if I dont want the chilul shabbos, I dont see why my causing them to sin (if what they are doing is even a sin) is ok just because I dont want them to sin. I would think it is much simpler to say the security has been deemed necessary and the level of security you think is necessary and the level you think is extra is a meaningless opinion when the experts have determined the necessary level of security.

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Headlines Podcast: 10/23/21 – Shiur 342 – Dress Code and Tznius Enforcement in Girls’ Schools (audio)

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Israelis: Should there be election reform? (video)

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Reaction to the Psak of R' Kanievsky about the Igbo Tribe (Nigeria) - Ep. 2 (video)

I dont think I knew this existed...

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Progressive Israel. The birth of a new district in the city of Beit Shemesh (video)

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Shtrudl-Band "Hevenu Shalom #2" (music by Itai Daniel) (video)

here's something a little different...

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Oct 22, 2021

Tfillah With Kippalive | Shochen Ad (video)

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(Royals) | Yonina- V’shamru (Royals Cover) (video)

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Oct 21, 2021

Interesting Psak: using Nazi materials to save a life

Hamechadesh is reporting on a strange but interesting question posed to rav Yitzchak Zilbershtein, rav of Ramat Elchonon neighborhood of Bnei Braq.

A doctor in Hadassah Hospital contacted Rav Zilbershtein asking if he could use, to save a Jewish life, a copy of a medical book that was compiled based on studies performed by the Nazis on Jews. This book is considered one of the best and most comprehensive of its kind, and it details in great detail (supposedly) the entire muscular system, the skin and bones, the system of nerves and organs. All based on  studies performed on Jews in the Holocaust. But it would be used to save a Jewish life. And all Nazi symbols have been removed form the copy of the book he has access to. 

Can he use the book or not, to save a Jewish life?

Rav Zilbershtein said he presented the question to his brother in law, Rav Chaim Kanievsky. Rav Kanievsky responded that it is prohibited. If he uses this book he will not succeed in saving the person's life.

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Quote of the Day

Prime Minister Bennett was better than the previous government for our community - during the recent holidays he let us go to daven and go to shul, he let us travel... the government is fine and it has the ability to mend the tears in society but there are some people that will never allow it to be mended.

  -- Mayor of Elad Yisrael Porush, at the Muni Expo

Porush came under a lot of criticism for saying that. Many of the Haredi politicians criticized him harshly for it.

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Orthodox Jewish Comedian Ashley Blaker's Critically-Acclaimed BBC Show (video)

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Sorry for the question: IDF Chaplain officers (video)

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Barstool Pizza Review - Jerusalem Cafe (Special Guest Vinnie Hacker) (video)

pardon the vulgarity of speech, as always with Barstool Reviews

that guy who said the pizza is horrible - he should have asked that guy if it is horrible why is he there...

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cholent on Jeopardy with Mayim Bialik

this answer is right but was very controversial in the Jewish world...

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Naftali Kempeh - Thinking of Yerushalayim (Official Video)

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Oct 20, 2021

Facebook Status of the Day

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Tweet of the Day

The Lieberman Decrees 5782:
In Yeshivat Ohr Yisrael they are preparing for the sharp increase in prices of disposables dishware and are pre-empting it with a solution. Today the first batch of 11 pallets of disposable dishware, enough for 6 months. In the coming days more will arrive.

There were some good/interesting/witty responses to this. the best was maybe Avigdor Lieberman's tweet, asking, have you never heard of a dishwasher? Even without a dishwasher, it is probably cheaper to hire a Sudanese worker to wash the dishes if a dishwasher isnt realistic for the amount of boys they have to feed. When I was in yeshiva they didnt use disposables. Maybe today is different.

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stock up on disposables

Osher Ad posted the following announcement to their social groups (Telegram, Facebook etc), and it is relevant to everyone in Israel in general, not just shoppers of Osher Ad:

The notice says that based on the government's decision, on November 1, 2021 the price of disposable goods will increase dramatically due to a new tax being levied to the tune of 11nis per 1kg, which will lead to a doubling of the price of disposable goods.. they recommend that people stock up now on goods before the tax goes into effect to have enough for as long as possible.

This isnt going to make the tax meaningless because people will buy a bit extra now in the final days of the month, but most people won't be able to stock up so much that they'll buy it all now instead of later....

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Quote of the Day

I stand here as the representative of the Haredi community and beseech of you, the members of the Coalition, to integrate us into the workforce, support this important law!

  -- MK Moshe Gafni (UTJ) upon proposing a law to expand fair representation (a form of affirmative action) of Haredim in the public workforce (this would apply to the public sector of government clerks, etc)

By the way, the law was voted down 52-21. Opposition Laws have only a very slight chance of passing in general and that is only when a lot of work is done to bring in support from across the aisles. In these days of contentious government with the two sides not willing to work with each other, such cooperation is getting very rare.

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OCD and frumkeit or fair warning?

I stopped to drink some water from a public water fountain in the streets of RBS and noticed something written on the frame of the fountain just beside the dispenser, the perfect spot for a person to see it when he bends over to drink:

The writing says:
Be Careful!
 It is prohibited to use this on Shabbos as it waters the little leaves between the tiles of the sidewalk.

The fountain is designed in a way to drain the excess water to a cup near the bottom for cats and dogs (and other animals) to drink from, and some of it spills over to the sidewalk/

If this is a problem for Shabbos, it should be a problem for the entire year of shmitta as well.

What do you think - is this really a serious problem as drinking from the fountain will inadvertently water the weeds in the sidewalk tiles (I happened to not notice any in the path of the water right now - in the picture too you can see the sidewalk is basically clear of weeds in the tiling, but surely at other times they might be growing) or is this some level of OCD and it is not really a problem? Someone's personal frumkeit made him feel justified to deface public property or is it a fair warning?

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8th Day - "Lucky" (Official Music Video)

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Oct 19, 2021

a sad ending to a sad story

The little Jewish child in the United Kingdom, Alta Fixler, was taken off life support yesterday and died. Her parents battle to save her and leave her on life support, even by moving to another country, failed and the courts ruled against their efforts and challenge and ordered life support to be stopped.

The issue is complex. The child had no life and future, facing endless years on life support, while the parents felt that her spiritual life is more important and every additional moment alive is important, even if on life support. There does not seem to be a good decision, either way. With the decision behind us, perhaps the courts did everyone a favor, in retrospect. As always, I am happy these decisions are not in my hands.

As Alta Fixler is due to be buried in Israel tonight, it is a sad ending to a sad story.

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PSA: Amazon free shipping to Israel minimum dropped to $49

FYI - Amazon dropped their minimum order for free shipping to Israel (for qualifying items) from $65 back down to the original $49.

How many people will now feel like freiers for buying small "cart topper" items they didnt really need in recent days just to bump the cart total to over $65???

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#65: Behind the Bima - Avraham Fried (video)

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Palestinians: Do you listen to Israeli music? (video)

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Near Jerusalem. The Ultra-Orthodox city. Beth Shemesh: Ramat Beit Shemesh Aleph quarter (video)

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Pini Einhorn Tov Ha'Baal Shem Tov (Official Music Video)

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Oct 18, 2021

Tweet of the Day

(Tweet is from the Yisrael Beyteynu political party (headed by minister Avigdor Lieberman) official Twitter account)
the incitement of the Haredi activists has crossed all the lines of legitimate criticism. It is unbelievable that a newspapers gives a platform for such statements in Israel! A shonda!
The tweet attaches an op-ed form the Hamodia newspaper in which the author compares Avigdor Lieberman to Joseph Goebbels.

To be fair, like all, or at least almost all Holocaust comparisons, comparing Lieberman to Goebbels is despicable and demeaning to Holocaust survivors and to the memory of the Holocaust.

On the other hand, it is ironic to see Avigdor Lieberman complaining about Haredi incitement considering the level of incitement he has been involved in against the Haredi community for the past two years....tot

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free ads to replace defaced ads with women

Mayor of Ramat Gan Carmel Shama Cohen reportedly responded to an incident of a billboard in Ramat Gan being defaced and ripped down due to the image of a woman being on it saying that for every sign vandalized and defaced or removed, two more will be put up free of charge. The hooligans will achieve exactly the opposite of what they wanted.

While I am happy someone "in power" is taking a stand on this, it is actually like the tzniyus signs. No matter how often the authorities take them down, they get put back up with a vengeance, in greater numbers. The signs will continue to be defaced, maybe even at a faster pace. The Iryah will be paying the price by advertising for free and losing revenue at a fast clip and eventually will just stop fighting about this. 

But at least he is trying 

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Oct 17, 2021

Headlines Podcast: 10/16/21 – Shiur 341 – Kiruv – Hear from the boots on the ground – What‘s being done any what can YOU do (audio)

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A Thru Z With Yossi Zweig: YAAKOV SHWEKEY (video)

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Ask the Chief Rabbi (video)

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Mideast Eats: Kosher Cheeseburger (video)

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AMEN - The Scheiner Experience - Luzy and Meyer Klatzko - Composed by Benzion Klatzko (video)

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Oct 15, 2021

Tfillah With Kippalive: Ki Lekach Tov (video)

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Oct 14, 2021

nobody to blame but themselves

The Haredi politicians of UTJ and Shas have been complaining a lot about policies put forth by the government that go against what the Haredim would want to see happen. To that end, there is no cooperation (at least not officially) between the Haredi MKs and the government as the Haredi MKs officially refuse to speak with the government (though a couple of them seem to be doing so unofficially, at least a bit). The sensitivities and preferences of the Haredi community are largely not being taken into account because of this.

The politicians have the right to take whatever approach they think is right, even if I think it is wrong. But there is a price to pay. They are getting upset over every little thing, but refusing to talk to the relevant minister to change relevant points. they somehow think they are serving their people better by boycotting the government, but when these policies pass to the disliking of the Haredi community, they will have nobody to blame but themselves. The non-haredi, and even some anti-haredi, politicians cannot really be blamed for not setting policy the way the Haredim want - that is natural because the Haredim are not int eh government affecting policy, but the Haredi politicians can be blamed for not using their influence, even if limited in the Opposition, to include changes.

The latest example is the decision by Ministers Shaked and Elkin to reverse the decision to redirect a town near Karmei Gat for the Haredi public and to design it for the general public, while at the same time designating Kasif in the south near Arad for the Haredim as was originally planned (and later changed). The Haredi MKs are very upset about this change, but they have refused to sit down with government representatives to talk about it. When the cities go up (though they may never actually go up) and get sold to buyers and communities, the MKs will have nobody to blame but themselves. Elkin and Shaked are looking out for their voters and for what they think is best. If the Haredi MKs dont try to persuade them for some compromise or change, it is not going to happen.

Sure, take the approach of banning the government. But there are repercussions to that, just like there are to any other approach.

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Facebook Status of the Day

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Daniel Gordis and Thomas Friedman Can the Relationship between Israel and American Jews be Saved (video)

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Yossi Cohen at Jerusalem Post Conference: Iran is no closer today to going nuclear (video)

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'We are on the cusp of ending the Arab-Israeli conflict': ex-Amb. Friedman inaugurates peace center (video)

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The Mahane Yehuda Market is the largest market in Jerusalem. Bazaar ambience (video)

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Chanan Ben Ari: Amen for the Kids - Caesarea, June 2021 (video)

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Oct 13, 2021

Let My People Go.. to Iran!

According to reports, the Lev Tahor group (aka cult) of weirdos and crazies and extremists is trying to evade the law again and leave Guatemala for Iran. They figure they will be left alone to their own crazy behavior in Iran, some of which might be similar enough to parts of local society there. They just want the authorities to leave them alone, to leave them be, to live in peace and quiet the way they want according to their own ideology and beliefs. Sounds almost idyllic. 

the reports also say that authorities in the United States and Israel are working to thwart these plans and prevent them from moving to Iran.
sources: TOI and Behadrei

I dont know why. The idea being bandied about is that if they end up in Iran, Iran could take them hostage, so to speak, and use them as a bargaining chip. I am not sure for what, but ok. I guess to make Israel do things or not do things, threatening violence against these people. 

this is unclear because there are Jews in Iran and Iran could just as easily take them and hold them as a bargaining chip. Maybe because the Lev Tahor people hold a mix of Israeli, US and Canadian citizenships so it obligates those countries more to defend and protect their citizens?

I would say let them go. Good riddance. Enjoy your life in Iran. Do it with a disclaimer that if they get stuck in trouble there we won't come for you. You are on your own and you are moving to Iran against our warnings and instructions and waive any rights to make us fight for you. 

Like I said about letting the Breslavers travel to Uman for Rosh Hashana, Let my people go! We cannot force people to make good decisions. If they think their lives will be better off in iran, gei gezundeheit. Wash our hands of them and bon voyage!


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The desecration of a meshumad

There is some weird story happening in Berlin. 

The brief report is that a Neo Nazi Holocaust Denier was buried adjacent to a Jewish grave, so the Jewish community is demanding his body be moved.

For more details, the BBC explains. The Jewish grave is empty, as the body of the Jewish man buried there, Professor Max Friedlaender, was moved to another grave site over 40 years ago, though the original headstone/tombstone is still there. the cemetery in question is a Protestant cemetery. Even though Friedlaender was a Jew, he was a member of the Protestant Church.

The Bishop has called it a terrible mistake. The records had recorded Friedlaender as a Protestant, so did not realize to not bury HafenMayer the Neo Nazi there, though the family had initially wanted a more central plot but was rejected due to the numerous Jewish graves in that area.

The expected calls of this being an outrage, a desecration of the memory and grave of a Jew, have all been used in an attempt to encourage the powers that be to move Hafenmayer's grave. 
sources: Behadrei, BBC

I don't care what happens to the Neo Nazi. move his grave, cremate him, piss on his grave, keep him where he is, whatever. The Nazi can rot in hell.

the thing is I also am not moved much by the problem here.

Friedlaender was a meshumad. he was a member of the Protestant Church. he considered himself a Protestant. On that alone I am not sure there is really much desecration in burying a Neo Nazi next to him. Additionally, this isnt a Jewish cemetery, so I am not sure why it is more of a desecration to bury a Neo Nazi next to him rather than any other non-Jew, and presumably in a non-Jewish Protestant cemetery non-Jews are likely buried near Jews.

Second, Friedlaender was not a Holocaust victim. Friedlaender died in 1934, before the Holocaust. This isnt a case of a Neo Nazi being buried next to the body of a Holocaust survivor or victim which would be considered outrageous.

Third, Friedlaender is not even buried there. The grave is empty. 

I don't care what happens to the Neo Nazi, but I am unmoved by the supposed desecration to the memory of the meshumad. If his body was moved 40+ years ago, in my opinion they can easily solve the problem by also moving the grave marker, the headstone. he was a meshumad so I am not sure there is any desecration at all, but if there is because of the headstone, just move the headstone and put near the actual final grave.

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never ask a question you don't already know the answer to

When you dont want to hear the answer, don't ask the question. There is supposedly a well known rule among lawyers in court to never ask a question you don't already know the answer to. I think they also use this rule in the Knesset, even if they act like they don't know the answer. And if they really don't know the answers to their questions in advance, they need to stop asking questions they really don't want the answers for.

It turns out that some of the coalition members are finding anti-shabbos possibilities that many of us likely never even thought of before.

MK Uri Maklev (UTJ) asked Minister of Agriculture Oded Forer what he is doing to ease the milk shortage. Maklev also asked what he is doing to ensure there will be no shortage of vegetables during the shmitta year.

these are funny questions Maklev asked. What does he expect Forer to do - the holidays all fell out during the week and for the past month the mehadrin market was able to produce very little milk. It is the shmitta year now and people who do not rely on hetter mechira are choosing to make do with less for the year - so what does Maklev expect Forer to do? Sure, there are solutions such as increasing imports, though then you start a fight with the farmers and unions and you upset a whole bunch of other people. The easiest solution to these situations is, especially for someone not religious and maybe even somewhat anti-religious (I dont know that Forer is anti-religious, but from the perspective of UTJ members all Yisrael Beyteynu reps are anti-religious), to increase the number of days milk can be produced and processed - ie, work on Shabbos. Increase productionof vegetables,  most likely at the expense of Shmitta.

To be fair, Forer responded saying he is working on an arrangement with Jordan to import vegetables, thus increasing the fresh supply from a nearby country. Additionally, import quota have already been expanded. Forer did not suggest violating Shmitta or increasing and expanding the hetter mechira.

What Maklev did get upset about is Forer's response regarding the milk shortage. Forer said the shortage was caused by the abundance of holidays in the past montht hat landed in the middle of the week. For the mehadrin market that means a lot of milk was spilled out, or only sent to the non-mehadrin market, thus causing a shortage of mehadrin milk. Additionally, the milk processing plants, by Tnuva, Tara, Strauss and any others, all had to be closed on all those holidays, so there were just very few work days for processing and distributing milk.

I think the answer for Maklev would be to open it up to imports. I cant think of another option. Locally, the milk from al those days just could not be used, and there were delays in processing. You choose to eat mehadrin, you deal with the consequences. You pay the price for your ideology. But Forer said that the farmers are milking daily, as normal, and sending the milk to the plants daily. it is held up in the plants because of all the holidays. the solution, according to Forer, is to open up the milk processing plants to work on Shabbos and holidays.You can be pretty sure Maklev got pretty upset at that. This was either the question he should not have asked because he did not know the answer to, or he knew the answer and wanted to get angry about it in public.

Minister of Health Nitzan Horowitz announced today in the Knesset that he thinks hospital food courts and kiosks should be open on Shabbos (and prices should be cut). Horowitz also said that opening up all week would make it possible to cut prices, as sales would be spread throughout the week.

To me it makes sense - people need to go into the hospital on Shabbos, whether as patients, as visitors or as staff, and someone not religious has no option to get food or drink, which is not fair to him.

I would not have even thought of this as an option. Maybe they have had too much time in opposition to think of ways to open up on Shabbos and upset the religious. it looks like some battles are still ahead of us.

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the mehadrin kibbutz (video)

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PM Bennett speech at Jerusalem Post Conference (video)

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Ask the Chief Rabbi (video)

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Lenny Solomon Live (video)

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Together - Dudi Knopfler (video)

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Oct 12, 2021

Q&A With Rabbi Efrem Goldberg (Hosted by Nachi Gordon) - Part 5 (video)

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7-11 is making aliyah!

There is a well known old question, one of those conundrums of the universe, wondering if 7-11 is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, why do they have locks on their doors?

Good question.

Just under a year ago the news reported that 7-11 was in negotiations with local Israeli companies to open a chain of their stores in Israel.

Very exciting news, especially for American expats (though 7-11 is in many countries, so maybe it is exciting for expats of some other countries as well). 

Calcalist is reporting now that the contract has been signed and 7-11 is making aliyah! 

According to the report, Electra Consumer Products has signed with them to open the chain in Israel, starting with several stores in Tel Aviv by next summer and committing to spend 60 million shekels over the next few years in marketing and opening new stores around Israel. The agreement between 7-11 and Electra is for 20 years with an option to extend for another 50. they really plan ahead long term!

Electra has announced that it will keep the stores closed on Shabbos. Not even location dependent, with stores in more religious areas staying closed while stores in less religious areas stay open - they will be closing them all on Shabbos (at least as of now).

I guess it at least makes sense in Israel for 7-11 to get locks on the doors - for Shabbos.

Another question for the Israeli division of 7-11, that might not be resolved quite as easily, is will free slurpee day be on November 7 or July 11? 7-11 in Israel is November 7, but the global corporation celebrates it on July 11, so it can go either way.

And if they are planning to close on Shabbos, I think it is safe to assume that they will also be kosher.

First World Problems, as they say. I'll just wait for my slurpee.

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