Nov 4, 2021

Supersol heard your complaints!

this is insane. As mentioned, there has been a lot of chatter about the expose showing that Supersol is running two online supermarkets, with one geared for the Haredi market selling items, often the exact same item, at much cheaper pricing. A lot of the online chatter was anger and criticism of Supersol. People are angry that Supersol has been charging them so much, yet clearly they can sell for cheaper as they do to the Haredi market.

Well, Supersol could not stand up in the face of all that chatter. They just announced that as of November 15 they will be shutting down the mehadrin version of the site.

This is a ridiculous decision. They will also surely lose many customers because of it. They should have announced that they will review their pricing policies for all markets and make them more comparable, bring prices down somewhat in their general supermarket to make it more similar to the mehadrin site pricing and to make their customers happy. Now they have made nobody happy.

Well, the people spoke and Supersol listened - sort of!

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1 comment:

  1. Nonharedi people would have invaded the Mehadrin website looking for the cheaper items.

    They closed it precisely because they want to continue to differentiate between the Haredim and the others
