Mar 31, 2022

Interesting Psak: Rav Chaim Kanievsky's protection after death

Hamechadesh is reporting that Rav Yitzchak Zilbershtein, rav of Ramat Elchonon neighborhood of Bnei Braq, was asked about the uptick in violence since the death of Rav Chaim Kanievsky. The question posed was that since Rav Chaim Kanievsky's death and there is a lack of his protection being provided, and now that a terror attack has happened in Bnei Braq, in light of the promise Rav Kanievsky had made that there would be no attacks in Bnei Braq, perhaps it falls under the category of someone not eulogizing a chochom properly or appropriately and therefore we are deserving of the evil befalling us now?

Before mentioning Rav Zilbershtein's answer I would note that I don't even understand the question - hundreds of thousands of people, maybe upwards of a million according to some estimates, participated in the funeral and eulogies physically and probably hundreds of thousands more participated online and by phone. I am not sure how anyone can think that the community (rather than a specific individual) inadequately eulogized Rav Kanievsky. I think he was afforded great honor with his funeral.

But anyway.

Rav Zilbershtein responded definitively that Hashem protects the nation of Israel, and Rav Chaim as well continues to protect the nation of Israel in general and on the city of Bnei Braq specifically. Gedolim, great people, are greater after death than they were when alive, and no damage will befall the nation of Israel.

Just it should be known that one of the things protecting us is the holy Shabbos. In places where there is shmiras shabbos, there is protection, and in places where there is no shmiras shabbos the protection is lacking. So, in a place where there is a deficiency in the shmiras shabbos, where people drive on on Shabbos in the streets, the protection will be decreased and Rav Kanievsky's promise/guarantee doesnt apply in those places.

(what is not said explicitly is that the area where the terrorist attack took place is one that has chilul shabbos even though it is technically in Bnei Braq)

Rav Zilbershtein closed off with a wish that we will strengthen the level of shmiras shabbos and increase the level of protection provided to am yisrael.

I must say that while I normally really like Rav Zilbershtein and his style, this one makes me slightly uncomfortable. He puts Rav Chaim Kanievsky up on a really high pedestal, sounds like almost equal with Hashem, both of them providing protection.

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Jewish Matchmaking

Netflix has announced that it will be producing a show called Jewish Matchmaking.  The show will have young singles, I assume all Jewish, in the US and Israel, turn over their dating lives to a Jewish matchmaker, a shadchan/shadchanit. This is a spinoff of some sort of an Indian show called Indian Matchmaker.

No timeline has yet been announced. IMDB also has no information about it yet other than the show being in development.

source: TOI

We all just know that chances are super high that Judaism is not going to come out looking all rosy from this... but hopefully the top shadchan will help a few singles meet their mate and some good will come of it... and who knows? maybe it will become the solution to the shidduch crisis!

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Kashrut Alert Ketchup on local shelves

just the other day I posted a kashrut alert from the KF kashrut organization, the Kashrut of the Federation of Synagogues in the UK, regarding Heinz ketchup for Pesach. The production of this ketchup included kitniyot (itself a debatable topic if this is actually considered kitniyot or not, but leaving that aside...) but was labeled as regular kosher for Pesach. the alert was to let people know it actually contains kitniyot so those who refrain from eating kitniyot on Pesach should be aware.

I saw this Heinz ketchup in Osher Ad the other day, and I hear it is sold in many shops and supermarkets around Israel. This is the ketchup imported from the UK with this hechsher. The product that is directly affected by the above alert. I actually just avoided it and did not look at the label (my kids prefer Osem ketchup anyway), but the Osher Ad sign on the product did not mention that it is a kitniyot-based product, as the other signs around the store normally do.

Some claimed that the Heinz in Israel is not affected by the above alert, saying it is a separate production line, specifically for export. Not being sure if the claim is accurate, I sent the question to the KF for clarification. 

KF responded to me with the following information:

The product is from the same production wherever it is being sold. Many distributors (including the main distributor in Israel) have reprinted / corrected the labels and they clearly state Kitniyos. In Europe, and the US some product is being sold with incorrect labels.

Based on their response, the Israeli Heinz is just as affected as Heinz actually sold in the UK. So be aware of that when buying your Pesach ketchup, if relevant. Osher Ad and other supermarkets should include the kitniyot status on their signs. Even if the individual bottle has been relabeled, which I am not sure if it was or was not, when signs are on all the other products in the store, no sign on this product will mean many people will not look carefully and will just assume no kitniyot. If you already bought it and dont want to eat it considering it kitniyot, use it before Pesach, save it for after Pesach (it does not even need to be sold - though ask your own rabbi to be sure), or give it away.

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Prime Minister Naftali Bennett with message about handling the terror uptick (video)

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Probably Kosher (video)

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Danielle Finn Takes On A Cover of "Easy On Me" During Hollywood Week - American Idol 2022 (video)

the Modern orthodox girls from Los Angeles advances on American Idol

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only to YOU by Malky Sicherman (Official Music Video) For Women & Girls only

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Mar 30, 2022

the restrained Rav Hershel Schachter

Rav Hershel Schachter, the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva University, is catching a lot of flak for the following incident, documented in this video:

Basically, he was in the middle of giving a shiur by video and his wife interrupted to tell him that their daughter had a baby. He acknowledged and continued the shiur, when his wife expected a more effusive reaction. So he told the shiur about the baby and wished them all simchas, fairly dry, and continued with the shiur.

I am not sure what the criticism is precisely. It has generally just been vague, "this is the problem with our rabbis" type of a thing. I guess they think he is not emotional enough, maybe he should have given his wife more attention in the moment, been more celebratory in the moment, not so cold and uncompromising with his focus and lecture.

To me, this is really nothing unusual or of interest. Rav Schachter is a person like any other. Some are more emotional, some less, some more effusive and some less, some more focused, some more private, some more or less of this or that facet of a personality. Rav Schachter was focused on the shiur and the material and did not want to be interrupted, and maybe he is less emotional and more private than some others. Who has not been given good news or bad news at work, in the middle of an important project that required focus and just took it in stride, continuing to perform the work, saving the celebrations or disappointment for later? I see nothing here to criticize Rav Schachter over, and I dont even think it has to be something rabbinic in nature that caused this. I know some rabbis who would definitely be more exuberant and effusive upon receiving such news, before getting back tot he shiur, and I know others who would probably respond pretty similarly to Rav Schachter.

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guidelines for shuls with terror uptick

I dont see it on the website or Facebook page of the World Organization of Orthodox Communities and Synagogues but the religious news sites are reporting on a set of guidelines recommended by this organization for our shuls, considering the uptick in terror attacks.

We have been here before. This is not really anything new, but unfortunately the times call for it.

They recommend that anyone in any shul who has a permit to carry a firearm actually do so, both during the week and on Shabbos. Every minyan should have at least one participant carrying a gun.

Additionally, the gabbai of each shul should ensure that a fully stocked first aid kit is accessible. Community leaders should all be aware how to best contact emergency services and first responders and other relevant professionals, should it God forbid be necessary.

Accessibility to emergency exits should be ensured, and the congregation should be made aware of where they are.

The gabbai in each shul should make sure a cellphone is available in case of need, god forbid, even on Shabbos. Congregants should be informed where it is, so that should it be necessary to use, they will know how to access it.

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the shoe store salesman that never happened

The titillating "open letter" from a shoe store salesman that I posted yesterday complaining about how the mothers who bring in their children for shoe fittings sit too exposed raised a lot of discussion online. There was a lot of discussion if it was really written by a man or if by a woman posing as a man, though I am not sure why it matters. There were discussions about tzniyus violence or tzniyus abuse or tzniyus shaming (not sure what to call it) and how often it is more perpetrated by women on women rather than by men on women. I saw some very funny remakes of the "open letter" referring to a variety of other professions within the Jewish community.

What I did not see was anyone finding out who really wrote it, the story behind it, and actually calling the number on the flyer.

Until last night. Flatbushgirl, aka Adina Miles-Sash, posted in her Instagram that someone called the phone number. Here is what she had to say, with some background of the open letter:

So, though I still dont know why it matters, it is a woman who wrote the letter and not a man. Additionally, she sent it to shoe stores and didnt expect anyone to actually read it and post it online - does she know how the world works today? And, she only expected women to read it - how would men know not to read it? She has a problem with how women cross their legs when sitting and think it is not tzanua, so she wrote a very untzanua letter to raise awareness of the need for more tzniyus? For somebody who is hyper-aware regarding tzniyusshe seems extremely unaware of absolutely everything else...

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gasoline prices going up again

The price of gasoline is going up once again tomorrow night. The monthly price change will once again be an increase, to the tune of an additional 39 agurot per liter of regular gasoline. 

From what I understand, this is not price gouging or anyone local raising the price either as part of a tax hike or because they can take advantage and raise the price. This is due to an increasing price of oil around the world, especially because of Russia's war with the Ukraine and the related sanctions. If the price of oil goes up, the price of gasoline and many other things goes up as well. That is just the way it is.

I still think the government should immediately lower the taxes on gasoline, even if only temporarily, to help combat the increasing cost of living in these difficult times...

What the world actually needs right now is a good series of Covid-19 lockdowns. When they locked us down back in 2020 and 2021, the price of oil plummeted and as soon as they opened things up the prices increased again. Lock us down for a month or two to knock the oil producers atop the head and to bring prices down again...

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Quote of the Day

When people tried to blame Netanyahu as being responsible for the events of the Shomer Hachomot (Guardian of the Wall) escalation - I said that is very serious and incorrect. We do not need to blame ourselves when they attack us. From the earliest days of Zionism there has been Arab terror against Jews. To use it now for political benefit only serves the objectives of the terrorists, to sow discord among us. We are together and we need to stand together.

  -- Justice Minister Gideon Saar

I agree with Saar. It is nobody's fault that a terrorist decided to attack and kill Jews - that is, nobody's fault other than the terrorists and those supporting them. It was not Netanyahu's fault when he was Prime Minister and it is not Bennett's fault now that he is Prime Minister. It is also not Bar Lev's or Gantz's or the entire government together. 

That being said, it is the government's responsibility to bring a sense of security back to the nation. It wont happen in one day, but the people want and need to see that the government is working to put down the terrorism and keep us safe.

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The Negev Summit (video)

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Magic at WFAN RADIO Studios! (video)

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Synagogue of the Past (video)

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This is Me! The Shalva Band and Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra (video)

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Mar 29, 2022

terror attack in Bnei Braq

There was just a shooting in Bnei Braq. While this has not yet been confirmed and declared final, it seems to be a terror attack (rather than criminal) and that is how some are reporting it. That would be the first terror attack in Bnei Braq in at least a very long time.

I am not a mystic, but coming shortly after the death of Rav Chaim Kanievsky one must wonder if he and his promises really did provide the city with protection from attacks of all sorts as many have said...

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Kosher for Pesach hospitals

As per the Supreme Court decision last year that would require hospitals to allow patients or visitors to bring chametz in, the hospitals are technically no longer to have their guards stop people form bringing in chametz. It became known that Hadassah Hospital had "asked its employees" and patients and visitors to agree willingly to not bring chametz in over Pesach.

To that end, Minister of Health Nitzan Horowitz sent letters to all hospitals in Israel saying that they must adhere to the Supreme Court decision to allow employees or patient and visitors in and to bring their chametz in should they wish to. Guards at the doors are not allowed to prevent people form coming in with chametz.

Horowitz said that we must allow each patient to act how he wishes in this regard, without coercion. Patients in the hospital and their families would be happy to be home and eat with their families in their homes and not in the hospital, but because they have to be in the hospital we must safeguard their dignity of both those who wish to fulfill the mitzvot of the holiday and of those who do not wish to.

MK Uri Maklev is understandably upset but his claim that this will prevent people from getting necessary healthcare is fear-mongering. It might be complicated for the hospitals to ensure a kosher for Pesach atmosphere, especially when some patients or visitors might bring chametz in but it must be possible because all over the world religious and traditional Jews get hospital care on Pesach while most of the hospital is a chametz environment. It would be nice if everyone in Israel cared about staying chametz-free, but even then there are non-Jews in Israel who have no reason to stay chametz-free, thus this is not the case. 

We needn't be so sensitive that even the mere knowing someone else in the hospital might have chametz has to bother us and prevent us from getting the care we need because there is chametz nearby. The hospital will have ways to serve Kosher for Pesach foods and that's all you need to worry about. The patient in the next room eating a pita, or the patient 3 floors up eating a pita, is not going to affect you. If you need healthcare over Pesach, go get it. You will be fine with the Kosher for Pesach food. Stop worrying so much about what everyone else is doing.

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tzniyus in the shoe store

I do not know where this was published, but it was posted online by several different people and sent around by Whatsapp

Honestly it is a little creepy but if he sees it, he sees it. Maybe frum women who care about such things should be more careful when they sit in such places. But perhaps this is on him as well - if his work environment means he has to crawl around on the floor and his visual perspective is form that angle, maybe he needs to make adjustments. I am not sure how he expects women to protect the view from below. Maybe he should have a raised seat of some sort on a platform or whatnot and have the kids try ont he shoes so he can continue standing or sitting in a regular chair rather than sitting on the floor and looking up from below. If he found a creative solution, he wouldnt be looking up women's skirts.

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New Ben and Jerry's (Israel) ice cream flavor for Pesach

Ben and Jerry's Israel has made unique Pesach flavors of their ice cream in the past. The most famous is the Haroset flavor that has been made for several years and seems to have been somewhat successful. personally I found it basically to taste like vanilla ice cream with some cinnamon and nuts but it was good. 

I was not aware of this previously but in my research I discovered that Ben and jerry's once before tried a different Pesach flavor called Matzo Crunch - adding chocolate covered matza to vanilla ice cream. It did not last beyond that one Pesach many years ago because it was not good - the matza lost its crunch and got soggy too quickly. 

Ben and Jerry's Israel has now announced that they are making a new flavor for this Pesach - matzo crunch, again. Hopefully it is redone and reworked and will be better than last time.

I am definitely going to look for it to try. The biggest problem is that sometimes they dont sell these temporary flavors in the stores, or at least in most stores, and you have to go to the factory outlet stores to get them. That is the case with the new Matzo Crunch flavor, as per the article in Israel Hayom.

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Jerusalem Marathon 2022 (video)

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Israelis: If the Holocaust never happened, would Israel exist? (video)

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The DEATH of The DEAD SEA (Sinkholes Tour + Drone Footage) (video)

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EXTREME WEATHER in ISRAEL. Walking in the HEAVY RAIN. The city of Rishon LeZion. Nahalat Yehuda (video)

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Elad Cohen - Sar HaTorah [R' Chaim kanievsky] (video)

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Mar 28, 2022

Drones save kids on tiyul

40-some kids got disconnected form their group on a class trip to Nahal Og and were lost. They were eventually located by security forces using drones to help in the search. Rescue teams are on the way to extract the kids.

I dont know how you lose 40+ kids. I get how a  couple of kids can wander off and get disconnected and lost, but a group of 40 kids? However it happened, thankfully they were all found safe and sound. 

It is cool they were able to use drones to search for the kids and find them. It would have been cooler if they could have used the drones to lift them each up and fly them right outta there.

I mean, if they can use drones to deliver pizza, they should be able to fly kids out of the mountains...

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Interesting Psak: notes in the Kotel

Since his passing, a lot of tidbits about Rav Chaim Kanievsky's life and opinions he held are being publicized. Here is an interesting one, and it comes with other opinions ont he topic as well.

The topic raised was putting prayers and requests on notes into the Kotel - is it ok, not ok, acceptable, problematic?

Rav Avigdor Neventzahl,. rav of the Old City of Jerusalem, believed there is no source for this and no need as Hashem hears prayers, He doesn't read prayers.

Rav Bentzion Mutsafi paskened that Hashem does not need notes, He hears prayers, the Kotel is holy and sticking notes into the cracks in the stones or in between the stones can dislodge dirt and stone form the wall and that is a problem of "meila" - misappropriation of something holy.

On the other hand, the Ohr Hachayim Hakadosh was known for having sent a student to put a note int he Kotel on his behalf.

Rav Boaren paskened that it has become a minhag among the jewish people to put notes in so it is ok and even has a valid source.

Rav Shmuel Rabinovitz, rav of the Kotel and Holy sites of Israel, is in favor of the minhag.

Rav Chaim Kanievsky paskened, according to Kikar, that the note is not necessary - Hashem knows without the note. However it seems to me that it is not prohibited, just not necessary, as Rav Kanievsky is further quoted as saying that according to those who prohibit it, they would not be allowed to benefit from this - to me this sounds kind of pareve, saying it isnt necessary but isnt necessarily prohibited. He also said there is no need to specify a list of names specifically (on a note) as Hashem knows without that.

What I dont understand because of the comments of Hashem knows without the note - Hashem knows everything, whether we are explicit  or not, whether with the note or with prayers or with anything we might be asking for, so why is there ever a need to ask for something, to daven, to say a prayer for a sick person and mention him/her by name, etc. Hashem knows, so why would I need to say it? And if I do, why is the note any different?

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#84: Behind the Bima - Rabbi Yechiel Levitansky (Ukraine) and Rabbi Yaakov Gibber (BJC) (video)

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PM Naftali Bennett with Secretary of State Anthony Blinken joint press conference (video)

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interview with the Gat brothers (video)

several times I have wondered where they disappeared to after their meteoric rise several years ago..

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Bubby's Jewish Food! (video)

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Yonina- Eretz Yisrael (video)

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Mar 27, 2022

Miki Levi's controversial US trip

Speaker of the Knesset Miki Levy is going to the USA. His trip will be marked by a visit to a Reform community, which is not so unusual - other ministers have met with Reform communities and leaders - and will pray with them in Temple Emmanuel in New York. That is unusual.

Levy's announcement has upset the Haredi MKs, which is always fun. I always like Yair Lapid's famous response to UTJ MKs saying "We don't work for you". He is right, and nobody needs their permission or guidance, but it is still setting a precedent and is a significant change in policy by the Israeli government. Levi is not just a regular MK but is Speaker of the Knesset. UTJ put out an angry statement saying that as a representative of all the parties in Knesset, Levy should not be meeting with a group that is so controversial and not consensus.

Levy's office responded that the Speaker will meet with representatives of any and all Jewish groups and see this as important and necessary. The State of Israel is the country of the entire Jewish nation and we must embrace all our brethren among all the Jewish communities.

The argument goes both ways, in both directions. Anyone can call anyone else controversial and say he shouldnt meet them. Maybe Levy should not meet with Haredim because some consider them controversial? Maybe he shouldnt meet with settlers because some consider them controversial. Oh wait, has he met with any of these other groups or their supporters as "brethren among all the Jewish communities"?

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Quote of the Day

Our government is working very hard to improve the lives of Palestinians in the West Bank and in Gaza. Just earlier today, my cabinet approved 20,000 workers from Gaza to be able to work in Israel. We are going to be investing almost 40 million shekels in improving the crossings between Israel and the Gaza Strip to allow smooth and dignified movement between Gaza and Israel. We can’t solve everything, we can improve the lives of people on the ground.

  -- Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, using the term "West Bank" instead of "Judea and Samaria" has caused quite a stir.. Bennett says it is meaningless, but it is unusual for a right winger, and a member of Yamina, to use the term West Bank....

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Tweet of the Day

and here is the original from AP, though I dont have access to the book or online updates to see the fuller announcement

So the titles Haredi and Hassidic are now officially capitalized. Thank you AP

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What it’s Really Like Being an Orthodox Jewish Actor in Hollywood (video)

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Meni Hollander needs a bottle of wine (video)

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Lenny Solomon Live (video)

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Yaakov 'Yanky' Lemmer (Keshiniver) Shtikele - Composed by Moshe Oysher, Lyrics by Yanky Lemmer (video)

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Mar 25, 2022

Yeshivat Ko Echsof - Hati'mani Taam Shabbos (video)

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Y-Studs - Evolution of Shabbat [Official Video]

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Mar 24, 2022

Chief Editor of Mishpacha Magazine in interview: no gossip or pictures of women (video)

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Purim Day Israel 2022: WE ASKED PEOPLE: What Can We Learn From The Hamantaschen? (video)

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SPRING JERUSALEM. The Most Relaxing Walk in the Suburbs of Mevaseret Zion (video)

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Dear Am Yisroel Feat. Benny Friedman (video)

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Mar 23, 2022

Quote of the Day

We will not rest until the murderer is locked up in prison!

  -- Minister of Internal Affairs Omer Bar Lev, at the funeral of Doris Yahbas, one of the four victims of yesterday's terror attack in Beer Sheva

Oops. Major faux pas. The terrorist was killed by an alert citizen, a bus driver. Maybe Bar Lev wants to put the body in prison.

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Rabbi of Kyiv and his wife tell their story at FOZ Museum in Jerusalem | Video: Eli Mandelbaum (video)

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The Making Of Shimshon Eats Jerusalem (video)

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[BEHIND THE SCENES] An Encanto Purim - The Maccabeats (video)

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Lenny Solomon Live (video)

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Jerusalem boy’s choir: Ukraine Ukraine (video)

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Mar 22, 2022

hero's gun taken by police

It was reported that the fellow who shot the terrorist in Beer Sheva had his weapon confiscated by the police.

In general that might be a reasonable thing. There was a shooting. That itself is a traumatic event. Even though it was in response to an attack. The entire incident needs to be investigated and the shooting needs to be cleared. I am pretty sure that is how it works everywhere. Hopefully he will be vindicated and the shooting declared just and his weapon will be returned to him. Just because it looks kosher to us does not mean it shouldnt be looked into and cleared officially as a good shooting.

I just hope that that is the reason the gun was taken from him, and not confiscated because he actually used it despite being necessary. If that is why it was taken, why give gun permits to citizens at all?

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Kashrus Alert: Heinz Ketchup for Pesach

This kashrut alert has been making the rounds this morning... I am not sure if the ketchup imported into Israel is the British version or an American version that would possibly not be affected by this but the announcement still seems significant enough to warrant posting...

Looks like Osem will be the "go to" ketchup for many this Pesach....

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🇺🇦MEETING REFUGEES FROM UKRAINE (Rabbi To The Rescue) (video)

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Sababta interview (video)

as far as I know, this initiative was born in Bet Shemesh..

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Wildlife of the Holy Land (video)

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Winter has returned to Jerusalem! Very Cold. Old City (video)

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R' Yoel Roth - Russia & Ukraine - Music Video - Part 2 (video)

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Mar 21, 2022

Tweet of the Day

and let's add in this second tweet as well, also from Itzik Ohana, reporter for Kikar

Ohana reports on Twitter of a kiddush hashem in that the players of the Macabbi Tel Aviv basketball team wore a black strap on their uniforms last night in their game against Hapoel Galil Elyon in memory of Rav Chaim Kanievsky. In the 2nd tweet he shows the fans of Beitar Jerusalem soccer club hung a sign in their game saying we all feel the pain of the passing of the gadol hador Rav Chaim Kanievsky.

These are all wonderful gestures, but not everything nice is a kiddush hashem. Rav Kanievsky was the furthest thing away from sports and I am not even sure he would appreciate such a gesture. Again, doing nice things is wonderful, but kiddush hashem? 

What do you think?

This also reminds me of the funny story (I do not know if it is true but I have heard it several times) in which someone asked Rav Chaim Kanievsky if he could play basketball on Shabbos. Rav Chaim asked him what is basketball? When the fellow explained it is a game where you try to throw the ball into a hoop, Rav Chaim suggested incredulously that he should just put the ball in the hoop before Shabbos...

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Interesting Psak: the kosher kiss, without waiting 6 hours

Rav Yosef Elnakaveh was formerly a rav and posek in the communities of Gush Katif. Since the Disengagement, Rav Elnakaveh lives in Yad Binyamin, is a Rosh Kollel and posek.

Rav Elnakaveh was asked a number of a questions about some details of kashrut and kissing. I think this blog is mostly rated PG, and I don't expect this post to change that. As they say, תורה היא וללמוד אני צריך - this is Torah and we must learn it.

The series of questions goes like this:
1. if a couple is having a meal with one eating meat and the other eating dairy (let's assume they are using separate placemats or tablecloths, etc), are they allowed to kiss?
2. How much time after eating meat must one wait to kiss the other if the other does not want to become fleishige?
3. If one was fleishige and 6 hours had not passed since eating meat (my addition, or 3 in the case of a Yekke) would kissing the other spouse affect his or her status and make him/her fleishige?

Honestly, before getting to the answer, to me the questions sound kind of silly, unless the kiss is super deep and super french-style, and even then....

On to the answer, as reported on by Kipa:
Rav Elnakaveh starts off by questioning the seriousness of the questions, suggesting the submission might simply be a Purim joke, but being that part of it seems serious enough and due to being unsure, he decided to answer the questions...

The Shulchan Aruch does not talk about halachos of kissing, though kissing is mentioned in Shir Hashirim. Using Rashi's explanation, Rav Elnakaveh shows that it is clear the kissing of a bride and groom, of married man and woman, is kissing on the mouth, rather than just kissing the hand or shoulder as friends might (maybe today shoulder would be replaced with cheeks - I have never seen a shoulder kiss that I can recall). Rav Elnakaveh goes on with some more kissing references before getting to the point..

More to the point, when two people eat together with one eating dairy and the other meat, they must have something to remind each other to not eat from the other person's food. I mentioned above different tablecloths or placemats but there are other options as well. Additionally, they are not allowed to drink from the same bottle or pitcher of water, lest some of the food from the mouth stick to the bottle and get imbibed by the other. Eating from the same loaf of bread is also a problem, for the same reason.

So, Rav Elnakaveh paskens that if you are eating together, one dairy and the other meat and you get so happy together that you wish to kiss, you should first clean your hands and wash out your mouth to avoid any doubt, even though you are not eating each other, but to avoid any doubt and you should be clean like the custom of the Persians to honor your wife.

And, taking it further, if you went ahead and kissed, without washing out your mouth first, the issue is very doubtful and it is likely you have not transgressed the laws of milk and meat together. And being that there is no eating involved when kissing, the concern of waiting 6 hours after the kiss is not relevant - with touching meat and milk you just have to wash off the surface, so wash out the mouth and hands, and new laws do not need to be formulated.

So now you know.

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people's anger at Rav Chaim Kanievsky

I was thinking about Rav Chaim Kanievsky's deatj and his legacy, and I was reading, online, all sorts of posts about him, about his followers and about his community - many posts in praise of Rav Kanievsky and his life, while some posts were angry about them. 

Rav Chaim Kanievsky was a great person, a great talmid chochom, and a great leader, whether or not he actually held any official leadership position. Rav Kanievsky lived simply and humbly, dedicated to learning Torah. Rav Kanievsky was not a scam artist, he was not someone who raked in millions taking payment for brachas and taking cash in envelopes for advice and blessings. Rav Kanievsky was seemingly untarnished in that way - he just had no need for it, no interest in it and no use for it. He did and said what he believed, and nobody could think he was bought off or had other interests leading him astray.

Any complaints or anger directed at him was really misdirected. Sure, people can argue or think his opinion was wrong, but a difference of opinion is not usually what makes people angry or full of hate. I don't think Rav Kanievsky is one who could be hated - nobody would have a reason to hate him or be angry at him. Any anger at him was really anger at his gabbaim, his handlers, his followers, his community who at times perhaps misconstrued what he was saying or led him astray with partial information to prompt specific public statements or by people, in his family or otherwise, who might have benefited from their connection to him in various ways... 

People don't like when something is sold as holy but there are really agendas behind it. Rav Kanievsky had no agenda. Nothing other than Torah. The people around him might fairly be accused as having agendas, and any anger or hate, not just now but throughout his life and leadership, was really at those agendas and the people behind them, not at Rav Kanievsky himself.

(one example would be in the hespedim the speakers spoke about how he didnt even know the names of the streets he walked on to go to the shul or to get places near the house because he was busy learning and the names of the streets were not on his mind - so did he really know what a smartphone is? yet he spoke out against smartphones because his people told him how bad they are. He trusted them, but it was their agenda, not his.)

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We Went Inside the Terror Tunnels in Gaza (video)

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Palestinians: Do you want your child to be a martyr for Palestine? (video)

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IT'S FINALLY HERE!!! (The Endurance Of A Jew) (video)

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best costumes...

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Yaakov Chesed - Shalom (Reimagined) (Official Music Video)

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Mar 20, 2022

Zelenskyy's Jewish guilt trip

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy spoke yesterday evening in an informal session to Members of Knesset and Ministers via Zoom. Zelenskyy wanted the opportunity to plead his case and drum up more support and assistance.

Here is Zelenskyy's full speech:

If anything, Zelenskyy was most successful at upsetting Israeli politicians from across the spectrum. Zelenskyy's comparison to the Holocaust was over the top. I got that Zelenskyy is in a tough situation and desperate to drum up support, but comparing what is happening now with Russia's attack to the Holocaust 80 years ago is not a recipe for drumming up Jewish support. Zelenskyy claims the term "final solution" is being used today in Russia about the Ukraine like it was used 80 years ago. I wish he wouldnt make us defend Putin but while war is horrible, but it isnt a form of "final solution".

And then, perhaps most egregiously, Zelenskyy attacked Israel for not sending weapons when Ukrainians protected Jews 80 years ago during the Holocaust. A claim like that is simply rewriting history.

Sure, there are Righteous Gentiles from the Ukraine. Yad Vashem recognizes 2673 Righteous Gentiles form the Ukraine. Surely there must be some more who did not get recognition for one reason or another. 2673. Out of a country of 40 million people. While many were involved in brutal massacres and violently assisting the Nazis. That shouldnt detract anything from the Righteous Gentiles but claiming a general history of saving the Jews during the Holocaust is rewriting history.

Ukraine deserves support in whatever way possible, within the confines of what Israel can do. There are much bigger countries than Israel, wealthier countries than Israel, and closer countries than Israel. Israel is helping in many ways, and maybe there are areas in which Israel can step things up and help more. Zelenskyy's Jewish guilt trip is likely to not work and might even backfire.

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LIVE: Rav Chaim Kanievsky funeral (video)

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Mar 17, 2022

MY NAME IS (REBBE GLANZ) 2.0 (video)

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Hamantaschen, a sweet Purim tradition (video)

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AdeloYada I Shuki Salomon & Arik Dvir (video)

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VIKAR by Franciska ft. Maayan Davis Choreography (Official Music Video)

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Mar 16, 2022

mask mandate still in effect in Israel

The Cabinet decided this evening to not cancel the mask mandate but to leave it in place, requiring mask wearing indoors in public places, and to revisit the matter after Pesach.

A lot of Corona rules have not made much sense. Sometimes it was fair, not enough information, too much confusion, people trying their best in a very difficult and unclear situation. 

But now? Why keep a mask mandate that is hardly being enforced and hardly being observed? Individuals are wearing masks indoors, and some public places require it though dont strongly enforce it. In most places the overwhelming majority of people are no longer wearing masks. Why continue a mask mandate that hardly anybody is keeping and that the government is hardly enforcing and that at this point in the pandemic is still nto even clear that it does anything?

The mandate should have been canceled. Just like the government has said, protect yourselves, we are not making lockdowns, the government should have said we are not requiring masks, if you want to wear one go ahead - be responsible and take your own precautions. 

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Quote of the Day

What we still don't understand is that for every Shabbat there is a Motzei Shabbat, and I am already hearing the voices form the Ukrainian side about what will be after the smoke of the war disperses they will start with the bureaucracy, especially in regards to Uman. I only request that come Rosh Hashana time and we see scenes of many Israelis stuck in the airport in Kiev, just remember the scenes and images we are seeing now in the airport of Ben Gurion and dont scream "gevald"..

   -- MK Yulie Malinovsky (Yisrrael Beyteynu), on the way Israel is handling the Ukrainian refugee situation

interesting perspective

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Israelis: Do you support Ukraine or Russia? (video)

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Purim in the Preemie ward in Hadassah (video)

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Zoey Deutch Quizzes Jimmy on His Yiddish Vocabulary (Extended) | The Tonight Show (video)

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Gad Elbaz - Achashverosh (video)

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Hey Buddy! (Official Music Video) - Purim 2022

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Mar 15, 2022

stepping into the void

The news is reporting that Minister of Religious Affairs has appointed a woman, Esther (Eti) Meir, to head the Religious Council in the City of Bet Shemesh. Meir joins a list of several other women appointed to similar positions in cities around the country.

In addition to the historic aspect of this appointment, what makes it interesting is that it is actually due to an argument between the local municipal parties of Shas and UTJ. I dont understand how it was meant to work exactly, but they were each supposed to get one appointment that had to be a woman, but they each refused to make the appointments, after initially agreeing. UTJ decided to give Shas both appointments but Shas later refused saying they are not UTJ's "Shabbos goy". 

Basically the coalition agreement that would have given them the ability to appoint the position was wasted because they each refused to come to an agreement. the slot was left open and the Minister stepped in and filled the vacancy with his historic appointment of Eti Meir.

this is a perfect example of a phrase we say in davening every morning...
שני כתובים המכחישים זה את זה עד שיבוא השלישי ויכריע ביניהם

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