Mar 22, 2022

hero's gun taken by police

It was reported that the fellow who shot the terrorist in Beer Sheva had his weapon confiscated by the police.

In general that might be a reasonable thing. There was a shooting. That itself is a traumatic event. Even though it was in response to an attack. The entire incident needs to be investigated and the shooting needs to be cleared. I am pretty sure that is how it works everywhere. Hopefully he will be vindicated and the shooting declared just and his weapon will be returned to him. Just because it looks kosher to us does not mean it shouldnt be looked into and cleared officially as a good shooting.

I just hope that that is the reason the gun was taken from him, and not confiscated because he actually used it despite being necessary. If that is why it was taken, why give gun permits to citizens at all?

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1 comment:

  1. They should give him another gun until they return it
