Apr 10, 2022

calling Ben Gvir the supporter of terror

The city of Tel Aviv just experienced a terror attack. A pretty bad one, if they were to be rated in any way.

MK Itamar Ben Gvir is a provocative personality. When I was a bit younger I loved to see him and others like him light things up. Today less so, though I do like the political chaos he creates (as I have said before, I am somewhat a fan of political chaos). I think being intentionally provocative does not help matters in any way, not even in the way he intends (eg to scare the Palestinians, to display ownership, to bring us to our dream of a Greater Israel or anything like that).

Last night MK Ben Gvir went to Tel Aviv to make his stand against terror.

To counter Ben Gvir's presence a group of leftists arranged a protest. Protestors called for Ben Gvir to leave the city, saying he was not welcome. They called him a terror supporter and blaming him for burning the area, for causing an escalation, for not letting it calm down.

While Ben Gvir is unnecessarily provocative and not helpful to probably any situation, he is far from a terrorist or terrorist supporter. The people they support are the terrorists themselves. Right after a terror attack in the heart of Tel Aviv they are protesting against the Occupation and against Jewish leaders (albeit from the Right and one they are opposed to) instead of protesting against terror and the people who sent and assisted the terrorist?

I have no problem with protests and demonstrations for peace and all that but, as they say, "time and place". There is a time and a place for everything. As opposed to Ben Gvir as they may be, immediately after a terror attack is not the time or place for protesting against Ben Gvir and calling him a terrorist or terrorist supporter.

I am sure not everyone in Tel Aviv thinks Ben Gvir is the terrorist these people are calling him but these protestors have it backwards.

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  1. He has been very ambiguous about David Goldstein and he is known as the defense lawyer for any right-wing Jew accused of terror charges

  2. thank god there are defense lawyers available for any right wing Jew accused of terror charges.
