Apr 28, 2022

Picture of the Day

That is the Admor of Toldos Avraham Yitzchak paying a bikur cholim visit to Rav Chaim Drukman, as reported on by Dvir Amar. Beside him is Rav Moshe Klein, Rav of Hadassah Hospitals.

This is a rare site. Further investigation discovered that the two are both in the hospital right now under care and in the same ward. The Admor heard Rav Drukman was nearby so he went to pay a visit but expressed that it is not a stamp of approval and not a sign of agreement with his ways. 

There is no need to agree, but people who disagree can still show respect and good grace to each other.

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  1. Then why was it necessary for the Admor to make such a snarky comment?

    1. I dont think he said it at the meeting, but when asked about the visit he said it, or his family member attendant said it... not sure. just that it was said seemingly after the fact
