Nov 2, 2022

Interesting Psak: No Tachanun

INN brings an interesting psak from Rav Dovid Chai HaCohen, rav of the Orot Hotorah community in Bat Yam and leading student of Rav Tzvi Yehuda Kook, as a result of yesterday's elections.

Rav Doci Chai HaCohen paskened that tachanun should not be said today, Wednesday, due to the great joy resulting in the results of the elections. Yesterday the rav had people come to daven, say slichos, blow shofar and pray for the success of the national camp in the elections. After the results became clear, the rav declared today to be a Day of Praise and Gratitude.

And now Kikar is bringing the psak of Rav Meir Mazuz to not say tachanun today at mincha to recognize the joy of the electoral victory.

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  1. Ivette Leiberman is ALSO not saying tachanun today!! Explain that

    1. though his wife is (she is famously religious. she has even been called haredi, but whoever says that is probably using the word loosely.
      to paraphrase the Chazon Ish, Lieberman holds like Ben Gurion who didn't say hallel and also didnt say tachanun on November 2

    2. That was the Ponevezher Rav, not the Chazon Ish.

  2. This is really gross.

    "A civil ruler dabbling in religion is as reprehensible as a clergyman dabbling in politics. Both render themselves odious as well as ridiculous." -James Cardinal Gibbons

    1. But not as odious as a politician dabbling in politics.

  3. As odius as who? King David? Even Herzl within limits didn't agree

    1. Taking sides in elections is foolish and ugly.
