Jan 26, 2023

Proposed Law: Tzniyus at the Kotel

Shas MKs, led by MK Ariel Buso and Minister Michael Malkieli, have proposed a law that I hope desperately PM Netanyahu will shoot down and stop it dead in its tracks.

Buso has proposed a law that apply prison time of up to 6 months or a fine of up to 10,000nis for a various list of infractions. The list of infractions includes davening in a mixed minyan, and another infraction being going to the Kotel in immodest dress.

They explain in their proposal that the status of the Kotel was never set in law. This causes the occasional problem in the area, while this law would resolve that.
source: Kol Hai News

First, how will immodest dress be defined, and by who?

Second, does the State of Israel really want to be arresting people for praying to God, even if it is in a way I dont agree with?

Third, enforcement (of the dress code) will be by definition almost entirely selective, so it likely wont stand up in court anyway.

I must say, this is probably one of the worst law proposals I have ever heard.

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  1. There is an obligation for the orthodox authorities to implement the rules of proper dress
    when coming to the holy sites of Israel, whether the Kotel or the other holy Jewish sites.
    If Netanyahu will try to stop them from achieving this, he will eventually fail.
    Wherever in the world, other nations put strict restrictions on their holy places, it is always honored, but only the 'Jewish' state seems to have no self-respect. How disgraceful.

    1. An obligation? Really?

      Incidentally, the Kotel is not a holy place. That's the place right above it. You may have heard of it.

  2. Garnel IronheartJanuary 27, 2023 7:50 PM

    The Chareidi parties are like children who just entered a candy story and someone handed them each $1000. They're going to try push all sorts of crazy "We want Israel to be just like Iran" laws just to see if they can get away with it.

    First, how will immodest dress be defined, and by who? By the Edah Chareidit in consultation with the Neturei Karta to ensure more than one religious viewpoint is considered.

    Second, does the State of Israel really want to be arresting people for praying to God, even if it is in a way I dont agree with?

    No, but these guys do. Remember, they're looking east and south and thinking that since Iran and Saudi Arabia get to be fundementalist theocracies, why not Israel too?

    Third, enforcement (of the dress code) will be by definition almost entirely selective, so it likely wont stand up in court anyway.

    Except the government will override the court!

  3. My guess is that they are throwing out as many crazy ideas as possible so that they can "compromise" by giving up on some of them and getting 100% of the items that are really on their agenda.

    It's a classic bargenning technique

  4. I think Garnel and Michael both have it. This is a combination of power-mad silliness and childish muscle-flexing, all of which creates dangers for the government and a huge chillul Hashem.
