Jan 30, 2023

Tweet of the Day

they may be 100% accurate about the incident, but please stop using the word Nazi anytime someone acts poorly to a Jew. in follow up tweets they stress that Racism=Nazism, which is not true. Being racist is bad enough on its own, no need to drag the Holocaust into this, as if the Holocaust was so bad because Jews got thrown off of flights for having too many personal bags. I am sure the Jews in the early 1940s would have been happy to get thrown off the trains heading east.

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  1. Don't believe for one second that Delta risked their business and massive anti-discrimination law suites by discriminating against Jews.

    They may have a policy that hat and jacket need to be placed under the seat in front of you or in the overhead bin, or maybe they define a bulky hat/jacket and equivalent of a carry on bag, or any other policy with large items brought on board. But I don't believe for a second that if a Texan with cowboy hat and jacket, or Englishman with a bowler hat and suite, or any other passenger would have been treated differently from the way this guy was treated.

    As you said, we need to stop calling people Nazi, but we also need to stop assuming that every policy which is inconvenient for Jewish travelers is based on antisemitism.

    There are enough anti-Semites out there without having to accuse people doing their job of anti-Semitism.

    1. Michael, I agree that we should not call people Nazi's whenever we are offended. And I agree that Delta surely does not have a policy of discriminating against Jews.

      However, in some of the articles online, the flight attendant was quoted as saying "You people always have tons of luggage." Generalizing about all Jews, or all Ultra - Orthodox Jews, and calling them "You People" is definitely anti-semitic.

      Imagine saying "You people always ....." to a black person.

      Clearly, this stewardess showed her anti-semitism that day. And Delta airlines should not tolerate her actions or speech. She needs to be terminated

    2. When entering the ramp to the airplane, Delta will ask you to put luggage in the airplane baggage area if you are carrying too much. If this was not the request then it was OBVIOUS that there was enough overhead bin space, so whats the problem MISS STEWARDESS with "us people". Many passengers sit with their coats, hoodies, jackets while in their seats,,,,there is no regulations against it.
      This stewardess acted with discrimination in a nasty way.

  2. Looking again at the video - the traveler had 4 bulky items taking up almost an entire overhead bin. If he needed that much space he should have checked his bag, or put items under the seat in front of him.

    For an airline to expect all passengers to use only their allotted space in the overhead bin in a crowded plane is not in any way anti-Semitic. Makes me embarrassed to be associated with someone who is visibly Jewish and feels entitled to take up 3 times the amount of storage space allotted to other passengers.

    1. just to note, in an article I read somewhere about this it said another Jewish person traveling told his son to take off his kipa as he did out of embarrassment (or maybe they didnt want to get thrown off with the other guy, not sure I remember which :-) )

    2. True, Michael. He was taking up a lot of space. But it appears that the bin was not full, and there was room for all his stuff

  3. Rabbi Berel Wein has a story about the time he saw a chassidish kid in a supermarket in Monsey arguing with the non-Jewish clerk about a bottle redemption- he had eleven bottles and the guy would only give him a deposit back for ten, the eleventh not having had a deposit in the first place. The kid threatened to call the clerk's supervisor and the clerk shrugged it off.

    The kid then turned and saw R' Wein and said, "I could call the manager, but he'd just say no too. Nu, that's golus for you."

    And R' Wein was like, "That's *golus*? This kid's grandparents were put into ovens and he thinks golus is not getting ten cents he's not entitled to in the first place??"

    My reaction was, "Oh, so when Mashiach comes we won't have to follow any rules?"

    1. Nachum, while your story is very relevant to this case, it does not negate or excusse the anti-semitic comments by the flight attendant.

    2. I never said it did.

      Although I am a firm supporter of judging people by group. Or at the very least being aware that people *do* so judge people.

      Obviously this can be turned on the flight attendant very easily, but that's another story.

  4. Michael,,, where is crowded over head bin?
