Jan 11, 2023

We want Mashiach now!

Kikar is reporting that Rav Yitzchak Kolodetzky, the son in law of Rav Chaim Kanievsky, recently spoke in a shul in Bnei Braq about the topic of exile and redemption. In his shiur he said that the Chafetz Chaim famously "predicted" the eventual start of World War II. The Chafetz Chaim also famously predicted that there will be refuge in the land of Israel and the tyrant would not step foot in Israel. Despite being on his way to conquer the Land of Israel, we know Rommel's forces were turned back and the prediction came true. Rav Kolodetzky added that the Chafetz Chaim also said something else that is less known - that 50 years after the war that would break out the redemption would come.

Rav Kolodetzky then said that he heard from "The Mashgiach" (aka Rav Don Segal) that 50 years after the war we did have the arrival of Mashiach - the soul of Mashiach joined and got mixed in to that of Rav Shteinman, but because of our sins of lashon hara and sinat chinam we didnt merit the revelation of him as Mashiach.

I am not sure I can say much more than "whoa!" before wondering about the chabad-like approach invading the Litvishe world... Nothing was revealed to me about this so I can neither confirm nor deny that Rav Shteinman was Mashiach, so all I can do is leave it up to each of you to take it as you will.

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  1. I don't consider it a Chabad-like approach. Even though the following comes from a Chabad website, it quotes non-Chabad sources:


    על יסוד זה כתב רבי עובדיה מברטנורא[3]: "בכל דור ודור נולד אחד מזרע יהודה שהוא ראוי להיות משיח לישראל". וכן בשו"ת חתם סופר[4]: "ומיום שחרב בית המקדש, מיד נולד אחד הראוי בצדקתו להיות גואל, ולכשיגיע הזמן יגלה אליו ה' יתברך וישלחו.. ובעוונותינו כי רבו כבר כמה וכמה מתו ולא זכינו שיערה עליהם רוחו של משיח גם כי הם ראוים לכך, אבל הדור לא היה ראוי, אולם כשיגיע אם ירצה ה' יגלה אליו ה' כמו למשה בסנה וישלחהו". בפרי צדיק לרבי צדוק הכהן מלובלין[5]: "בכל דור יש נפש אחת שראויה להיות משיח אם יהיה הדור זכאי" ומכיוון שונה כתב הרד"ק[6] "בכל דור ודור יתאוה מי מזרע דוד שתהיה בימיו הישועה ויהיה הוא מלך המשיח".

    Perhaps, you mean that the Chabad-like approach is actually naming an individual who would have fitted the bill. I still very much doubt that Chabad has a monopoly on that.

  2. His soul "entered" R' Shteinman? That's paganism. And why davka in 1989? Did something happen that year, apart from him turning seventy-five?

    And I must have missed all the military victories R' Shteinman won. The only fight I remembering him being in was when a Peleg member punched him in the face, and he didn't exactly win that one. (No knock on him; he was about a hundred years old.)

    Also, considering the supposed source, I would also have treaded carefully bringing up lashon hara and sinat chinam.
