Mar 5, 2023

not serving in the IDF

UTJ and Shas both represent communities that mostly don't serve in the IDF, by choice. That is not completely true for Shas, as many of their constituents do serve in the IDF, but we can call it a wash because some from the Hatzionut Hadatit and Otzman Yehudit parties also do not serve, though the overwhelming majority do. 

So let's say about 28% of the parties in the government coalition represent people who actively by choice refuse to serve in the IDF.

I find it ironic that such a significant percentage of the government is supportive of its electorate not serving in the IDF, and the entire government is looking for ways to legally exempt them from service in the IDF... yet when some people are calling for IDF Reservists to refuse to show up for reserve duty (because of the judicial reform) the same government representatives are out screaming and calling them anarchists and that they shouldnt destroy the IDF and bring it into this fight...

I happen to agree and think people should not refuse their call to duty, should it come, but a government coalition so supportive of refusing IDF service getting upset about a few more people saying they wont serve is pretty ironic...

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  1. There is a HUGE difference between never going to the IDF, and taking millions of $$ in training (like these pilots have done) paid for by the IDF, and then refusing, based on political views. PS I am NOT a fan on haredim not going to the army.

    1. On the other hand, the pilots at least served in the past, and probably will in the future, at least when there is a change in the government.

    2. I havent heard anyone comment that the problem with this is the investment in their training... it is a disobedience issue and politicizing the IDF. though this is an interesting perspective to consider...

  2. It's always humorous when you try catching the Chareidim at hypocrisy.
    So, no difference between insubordination in order to make a political statement and not serving for religious reasons.
    But hey, Happy Purim!!

    1. 1. I am not supporting insubordination, and said so explicitly
      2. it isnt haredi hypocrisy, as they are wisely staying silent on this specific issue. It is Likud and Smotritch/BenGvir hypocrisy in this case.

    2. I could be wrong, but I think some of the charedi MKs have hypocritically said something.

      "Not serving for religious reasons"? That part is never said out loud. Do tell what such "religious reasons" might be.
