Mar 9, 2023

Quote of the Day

Up until now all attempts to stretch out our hands have been met with refusal. This is not about the judicial reforms but is an attempt to topple an elected government

  -- Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

PM Netanyahu may very well be right but isn't that the job of the Opposition? To try to topple the elected government? Didn't Netanyahu himself just recently spend nearly a year and a half trying to find ways to topple an elected government, until he was successful?

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  1. Is there room for distinction between strategic opposition and condoning lawlessness?

    1. lawlessness should not be condoned, and protests are not lawlessness, nor are they inappropriate.
      that being said, extreme tactics we have seen used (such as attacking family members, violence, lawlessness such as blocking traffic without police approval, etc) are not acceptable. Thankfully most of the extreme tactics are only employed by small groups of the protestors and generally not mandated by the Opposition leaders

    2. I don't see how Netanyahu's opposition tactics come anywhere near the behavior of the current opposition and the people on the street doing their bidding (there's no other way to put it).

  2. Protests that shut down access to the Ben Gurion or the Haifa port move beyond mere protests. How are ambulances passing on roads that have cars blocking all passage?

  3. These protesters are the radical left and don't want their dictatorial way of governing to go bye bye. The left always uses 'projection', i.e, they project everything they themselves are on to their opposition. Thus, they say the reforms to the court will lead to dictatorship, which they themselves are really promoting by not accepting the legally voting public's new government.
    They realize this will be their end.

  4. I hated it when Bibi and his minions did it, and now that Lapid and his minions are doing it, it's not any better.

  5. Sorry, I forgot that time when Bibi called for civil disobedience and, if need be, war, and then doubled down on that call.

  6. to Anonymous:

    Bibi and his minions painted the Supreme Court and everything that threatened their power as enemies of the state. That is in itself treason. Yuli Edelstein directly disobeyed a Supreme Court ruling. Please don't act as if your side is innocent

    1. You don't understand what "treason" means, do you? The Supreme Court is not the state. One can criticize it, even severely, and not be a traitor. The fact is the Supreme Court of Israel grabbed a huge amount of power that was never given to them. By anyone but themselves.
      Now they face a reaction. It would be unfathomable in the United States for the Supreme Court to order the president not to appoint someone to his cabinet, or order him not to speak about a topic du jour. Such an act could lead to burning down the Supreme Court. Yet the Supreme Court of Israel did both things in the last year.
      It's a perfect illustration of tafasta merubah lo tafastah.
