Jun 21, 2023

hubris of the youth

I just saw this crazy report on a ceremony held yesterday by the Paratroopers unit of the IDF celebrating 56 years since the Six Day War and liberation fo the Kotel. participating nit he ceremony were Paratroopers from back then who actually fought and liberated the Kotel and reunified Jerusalem.

At the ceremony some young Haredim catcalled them and got into arguments and said things like this country is ours, you leftists are traitors, we dont want you here. While some of the arguments are not easy to hear clearly as they all talk, nay scream, over each other, I also heard one say "I dont hate Arabs, but I hate you and your type that love Arabs more than us"

wow. what hubris they have because the Haredi parties have some political power right now. Yeah, sure, they are kids, maybe stupid kids, but in this time of extreme divisiveness this type of attitude seems to be more and more common

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  2. They wouldn't be standing there if it wasn't for them.

    By the way, wearing tefillin all day is the definition of yehura.

    1. maybe he woke up late and just finished shacharis. or maybe he put his tefillin on for mincha.

    2. There's a yeshiva in the Old City where they wear them all day. You see them a lot.

  3. B'H, kudos to those young chareidim, telling those leftists off. Israel is for the G-D fearing and those who are proud to be real Jews.

    1. what I didnt understand is how does anyone know those paratroopers are leftists (as if they dont have a right to be anyway, but still)? They were there fior a paratroopers ceremony, how does anyone know what each individual present thinks about the judicial reform? just because the guy isnt wearing a kipa it is ok to assume he is a leftist?

    2. You must be fun at parties.
