Jun 19, 2023

riding the bus

Today's uproar is about an incident on a bus in Hod Hasharon in which a woman started telling off a Haredi passenger for his appearance and for being on that bus in that neighborhood. The Haredi fellow responded saying he serves in the army and he has a right to be on the bus and to dress however he wants. It turned into an argument with tones raised. After the video of the incident was made public it obviously went viral, with many defending the Haredi fellow and scoffing at the woman because this fellow actually served and continues to do reserve duty and actually served in a very significant combat role.

Honestly, all that defense of the Haredi for having served and for having served well is missing the point.

This fellow does not have the right to dress how he wants because he served in the army. This fellow does not have the right to ride the bus because he served in the army. This fellow has the right to dress how he wants, to associate with whatever community he wants, to ride whatever bus he wants, because he lives in Israel, a [relatively] free society. She has more of a right to wear a tank top or jeans or a red blouse or yellow blouse or brown skirt or gray slacks than he has to wear a white shirt? he can dress how he wants, he can ride whatever bus he wants because that is part of living in a free society. Not because he served in the army. 

Whether he served or not, and I am happy he served though he doesnt need my validation, he can dress how he wants and ride whatever bus he wants.

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  1. Garnel IronheartJune 19, 2023 9:19 PM

    I agree but I think I see her concern - she is worried that, today ,there's one Chareidi guy on the bus. Tomorrow there will be a mechitzah. Today there's one Chareidi guy dressed in his Chareidi uniform on the bus. Tomorrow she'll get screamed at and called a shiksa for wearing a tank top. Yes, it sounds irrational but for her, perhaps she believes she's trying to head off something.

    1. Yup. You let one Jew in and there goes the neighborhood.

  2. I dont see her concern at all, she hates religion especially the Jewish religion and any trademark of religious observance in her mind is evil and fascistic..

    1. "Fascistic" is like "Zionistic"- it's got one suffix too many. "Fascist" is fine. So is "Zionist."

  3. Simply put, the woman is full of hate. She is the bigot and if the sinat chinam continues and in this era where insanity & evil prevail, it will bring nothing but more misery to our people.
    There are Jews in Israel who would fare better in lands of non-Jews, where they seem to belong. Wake up 'lost' Jews and return to your roots.
