Jul 31, 2023

who is clapping?

I want to know who are all those people clapping at the suggestion that Yigal Amir should be released... the Channel 14 journalist making the suggestion bothers me less - he is paid to be provocative and bring in the viewers..

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1 comment:

  1. He didn't call for him to be released, he called for him to have a release date, just like every other murderer in Israel. (Even with one, that doesn't mean that Amir would still ever get out, of course.) Which is of course perfectly democratic. There's no reason a prime minister's life should be worth more than anyone else's in a free society.

    I *can* think of several logical reasons, though, why killing a prime minister would be considered a graver crime than killing anyone else, agree or disagree. But here's the thing: Amir was *not charged with such a crime*. At the time he was tried and convicted, it was of ordinary murder. The extra crime was only passed *later* and explicitly for him. And laws applying crimes to individuals, and ex-post-facto laws, are *very* frowned upon in free societies, which is *exactly* his point here. Shas passed a law to allow a specific person to run for office. Bagatz (probably rightly) said that was wrong. So this fella is pointing out that it would be wrong for Amir as well.

    By the way, this guy is Amir's *lawyer*. So of course he should be free even to demand that Amir get sprung today, except he's not calling for that.
