Aug 22, 2023

Belz to educate their kids

The news announced that Belz is in the final stages of moving its chain of schools to the Bnei Yosef umbrella organization. The Belz schools, starting with a pilot of 2, will learn full core curriculum studies and in exchange will qualify for full government funding.

They are not being forced to do this but are doing it of their own initiative, so I bless them and wish them success. I personally think more education is a good thing and this move will hopefully give their children more opportunities when they get older.

I do wonder though, what changed?

Before the last elections they were already in the final stages of adding core curriculum studies and it nearly blew apart UTJ. Eventually they were promised additional funding if they would stay and not add the core curriculum studies, and they agreed and things calmed down. One of the compromises, which at the time did not go through, was to join the Bnei Yosef umbrella rather than just going  straight to the government. At the time it did not happen, but now it seems to be in its final stages.

My question is, did they not get the money that was promised to them? What changed? Why after a loud public agreement to stop that movement to secular studies are they raising this issue again now? I think it is a good thing and I felt bad when it was then thwarted, but I am wondering what changed.

I have also seen a lot of criticism that some sort of scam is involved, they arent really going to study the full curriculum, they will claim they are with less supervision just to get the additional full funding. I dont know if any of that is true, and I am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. I think proving that they are involved in a scam will be on other people to prove. I wish Belz luck and success in their new approach to education in Israel.

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  1. What happened? Netanyahu promised them funding - since when is he known for actually fulfilling promises?

    1. true. but.
      but if they didnt get what was promised, why not create a coalition crisis to get it? or why not at least speak up about it?
      also, UTJ has been getting addition after addition in extra budgets for the schools. Every few weeks there seems to be another headline fo more money being given to them on top of the original promises. So with all those budgets being given to UTJ, none of it is going to Belz for this agreement coverage?
      it is definitely possible, but I am wondering why no stink was made about it. I guess it is possible they just gave up and quietly went back to their original plan....

    2. Probably this is what they really wanted - they only gave in before the elections so as not to cause a big stink.

  2. Garnel IronheartAugust 22, 2023 10:41 PM

    From what I've heard about the Belzer rebbe, he's a bit more open to modern education than the rest of "the Gedolim." He apparently cares about his flock.
