Aug 16, 2023

Quote of the Day

Anyone who does not want to serve in the army, you cannot forcibly draft him to the army. They are not refusing the draft because the do not love the State, definitely not. If you have a problem with that, you should also not get drafted.

  -- MK Almog Cohen (Otzma Yehudit) defending the exemption being worked on for the Haredi community just after attacking the volunteer Reserve duty Air Force pilots who are saying they might not continue their volunteer service.

If there was not a mandatory draft, MK Cohen would be 100% right. As long as there is a mandatory draft, you cant just say anyone who doesnt want to be drafted, shouldnt be. I mean, the word "mandatory" has a definition. If you think people who do not want to be drafted shouldn't be, change the law and dissolve the mandatory draft and turn the IDF into a volunteer or professional army

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