Aug 31, 2023

Tweet of the Day


Ishay Cohen, a Haredi journalist, tweets (xs?):
I opposed the government of Bennett-Lapid-Abbas
In the archives you can find a lot of criticisms that I wrote during their term.
It has come time to admit:
Whoever claimed that a government that relies on Mansour Abbas encourages terror (and let's not talk about those who said the blood is on their hands),
Was mistaken.
10 months since the victory of the Right, and the situation has only deteriorated.
The murderous attacks have become routine.

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  1. "Whoever claimed that a government that relies on Mansour Abbas (who) supports terror" - the word "who" in the translation is a mistake. The Hebrew says that a government that relies on Mansour Abbas itself supports terror, not that Mansour Abbas supports terror.

    1. thanks. fixed. also, not supports terror but promotes, or encourages, terror

  2. Garnel IronheartAugust 31, 2023 6:57 PM

    Every government blames the government before for the problems it encounters and credits itself for the successes.
