Sep 12, 2023

Uman no longer dfenseless

Despite the fact that Israel has issued a travel advisory warning Israelis not to travel to Ukraine (because of the little war going on there), Israel will be sending a delegation of 20 police officers to protect the High Holiday pilgrims to Uman.
(source: N12)

I am not quite sure what the Israeli police can do against possible incoming rockets from the Russians and how 20 officers will protect the tens of thousands of pilgrims, but Zelenskiyy said he can't offer any security, so Israel decided to send some police. Uman is no longer defenseless! 20 Israeli policemen will protect them!

Ukraine has all their defense systems protecting the major cities, leaving the small cities and hamlets defenseless. I think the Breslav organizations and Meir Porush should protest in the United Nations and in other international bodies that Ukraine does not consider Uman a large and important city worthy of protection and defense.

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1 comment:

  1. But these are mostly religious Jews who learn Torah and Torah study protects from harm which is why Chareidi boys don't have to go to the army so why do they need any security?
