Oct 31, 2023

going into battle

THE IDF has already sent ground troops into Gaza over the past couple of days but in small numbers. The IDF is now expanding the ground invasion sending in more troops, though I have not heard any official statement that the ground invasion has begun.

One of my son's is among the troops sent in today. The commander allowed the soldiers to call their families before taking away their phones in advance of entry into Gaza. I assume the two main reasons for taking away their phones is:
1. so they can stay focused rather than worrying about calling friends and family or being distracted by sending and receiving messages
2. security. so the enemy can't track GPS signals and follow troop movements like that.

A commander (of a different battalion) gave the following rousing short speech to his troops right before entry:

Additionally, an IDF social account posted the following "battle page" written by the commander of my son's battalion just before entry:

Today we are going into battle!
We are going out to fight, to destroy the enemy, to win.
We are going out to restore our national honor.
This is a battle with a depraved and cruel enemy. An enemy that slaughtered our kids, our wives, our youth and our elderly.
We will avenge the blood of our loved ones.

Beloved friends,
I am confident in you, have faith with all my heart, that our excellent battalion, will be victorious in every encounter. I have faith in our cohesion, I have faith in the great power within us. We are the messengers of all of the Nation of Israel who are in war together with us.

Hashem Yisbarach, who gives us strength and power to fight, should protect our coming and going peacefully.
Be strong and courageous
and do not let your hearts be faint

Hashem should watch over them all and protect the young men and women fighting for us.

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  1. Amen! He should be victorious and come back safe. Our Teffilot are with you and we’ve been sending funding too.

  2. We're davening for your son and the rest of the soldiers and the hostages. May Hashem protect them and bring a resounding victory for all of klal yisroel

  3. Amen! My sons have not yet gone in, but at least one is scheduled to shortly. We're all davening for all the soldiers.

  4. Amen, Thanks for this uplifting video. May H' protect and bless your son and every single one of the chayalei Yisrael. VICTORY is the only way; there is no other way but VICTORY.
    We have our Almighty G-D, Hashem, Who is with us & Will Protect and Bless each and every one of our Chayalei Yisrael. NETZACH YISRAEL LO Y'SHAKER!
