Apr 1, 2024

Tweet of the Day

MK Tali Gotliv (Likud) tweets:
where is even one sign or poster protesting the violence during the war condemning Hamas?
Where is a condemnation of Sinwar?
Where is a condemnation of the massacre and cruelty of the terror organization?
There isnt even one!
A bullying political protest taking advantage of the pain of the families of the hostages in order to bring down the right wing government.
Most of the population is right wing! The horrible war has sharpened the right wing positions by many other people.
The extreme leftists are destroying the strength of the State.
This is what they meant when they said "Let me die with the Philistines".

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  1. Garnel IronheartApril 01, 2024 4:11 PM

    Hate ruins everything.
    This is about the left hating Bibi and prioritizing getting him out of office over everything else.
    When the war started, they mobilized to help save the country and we must recognize that. Now everything is more stable and they have returned to their previous goal.
    The judicial reform protests were never about democracy. They don't believe in democracy except when they win elections and they know that under normal circumstances they never will again so they have to establish Israel as a lefitist judicial dictatorship. They want to do that by convincing people that the government is evil and only unelected elitist judges can protect the country from the consequences of a free and open election.
    The families of the hostages have to be confronted publicly - if we listen to your demands, Hamas and Hezbollah win, 100 000 people can never go home and Iran will move up its next plans to destroy us. Are you okay with that? Is that what you want?

    1. Well, as someone who has them marching down his street right now, I'll just say that nothing screams "democracy" quite like a torchlit parade of a chanting mob in the middle of the night.

      (The Charlottesville defendants are being charged, basically, with marching with torches. Who, whom.)

  2. Excellent comment, Garnel Ironheart. The leftists see they're losing (or lost) their power amongst the the people in Israel, B'H. They are desperate now and we pray they lose any power they have left. The leftists are now all radicals and completely evil. This insanity has gone global. They are dictatorial (call them marxist or fascists). Any member in the knesset or in the evil supreme court need to be ousted. They want to rid the Land of Torah Jews and make it part of the global G-Dless world.
    This is part of chevlai Moshiach and we must unite as true Jews under the banner of Torah Judaism to thwart their evil plans. Bibi needs to be strong and not give in (which he seems to always tend to do). We know it's not easy but., hopefully, he will be the one to give the power over eventually (soon) to Moshiach. We cannot allow evil to win in any way. We pray he and the electorate that put him in power will prevail, so we must stand united as a people, under
    G-D, and Hashem will do the rest.

    1. Garnel IronheartApril 02, 2024 6:11 PM

      While I definitely appreciate the complement, I would still point out the following:
      1) Not all lefitsts are radicals and completely evil. Some are genuinely worried that Chareidi dominance will turn Israel into a Jewish version of Iran and frankly, the public statements of Chareidi leaders and the public behaviour of many Chareidi groups gives them valid reason to be afraid.
      2) When it comes to running a country for all its citizens, the extreme right is not the choice for governance. Remember, when everything fell apart on October 7, the government was paralyzed and the strong and immediate responses came from the mid-right Religious Zionists and the Left, including many of the radicals.

  3. No where did I say anything about the radical chareidi viewpoints. I don't agree with them either in quite a number of respects. But, in reality, they are still the minority and do not have the power which the 'left' in EY has had since its rebirth as a 'state'. Not only do they rule even when a right wing gvt is in supposed power, but they have the backing of the world powers. You can be sure that when the state was established deals were made that would ensure that eventually the 'Jewish nation' would be like all others, c'v. But, thanks to the zealous (many even fanatical) , they have been the reason Torah learning was upheld in EY and making sure that certain essential Torah laws were not invalidated. They, in a way, are the barriers for the 'state' not going over the cliff. We pray that our 'Geulah' is around the corner and that there be an end to all our tzarot, strife, and enemies from within & without.
    That is the reason nothing will help except for the coming of Moshiach tzdkeinu,
