May 30, 2024

Gantz Netanyahu, Netanyahu Gantz

A couple of random thoughts:

1. Minister Benny Gantz recently gave Netanyahu an ultimatum saying he would leave the government by June 8th if Netanyahu does not do x, y and z before that.

Today Gantz's party submitted a no confidence motion int he government. No confidence int he government they themselves are members of. And the party members did not resign from the government upon submission of the motion. 


2. For the first time in a year, polls show Netanyahu leading in the category of who is fit for being Prime Minister, in a runoff between Netanyahu and Gantz.

I rarely comment on polls because I believe them to only rarely be meaningful, but this comment isnt really on the results of the poll.

It is a shame that these two options are the only ones (at least base don the poll question these are the only options). Both Netanyahu and Gantz should be resigning from politics for their respective roles in the issues that led to the failures of October 7 (Gantz mostly from the defense perspective and Netanyahu mostly form the political and diplomatic perspective). is there nobody else?

3. for a few years now, Israel has been basically stalled with the two main people being Gantz and Netanyahu and all their issues. 

For the good of Israel they should both step aside and let fresh young faces take over and lead Israel into the future.

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  1. Garnel IronheartMay 30, 2024 9:52 PM

    An ideal government would see Bibi working with Gantz and Lieberman while turfing the Chareidim. It's a shame that every senior politician that could help Bibi has been stabbed by him at one point or another.

    1. Garnel IronheartMay 31, 2024 1:15 AM

      I've also been saying for the last 3 elections that the best way to get rid of Bibi is
      1) pass a law making him immune from any charges of corruption
      2) promise him that he'll be the next president
      Tell him the condition is an immediate retirement announcement. He just might do it.

  2. If I'm not mistaken, Gantz's party did not submit a motion of no confidence - they submitted a bill for early elections.

  3. Why would anyone want that leftist? There will only be chaos and troubles for Am Yisrael as
    long as there is G-Dless leadership and their minions.
