Jun 30, 2024

A bad name

The news is reporting that the Meretz and Labor parties are uniting into one party under the name "Hademocratim" - the Democrats.

At this point, and it might be too early to know, especially with no elections on the horizon at this time, we don't know if they are joining  and merging into one party or if this will be two separate parties running a joint list (like was Degel and Aguda do, like what Hatzionut Hadatit and Otzma Yehudit did in the last election, etc).

Personally I think it is a mistake, a bad move.

Not the joining together to run on a single list (whether as a new unified party or as a joint list). That is fine and correct and should have been done before, even though there are significant differences between the two parties.

The mistake, the bad move, is the name. The Democrats.

Israel should stay bipartisan. A name like this aligns them too closely with the Democrat party in the USA, and that was obviously their intention. 

Even if their ideals are somewhat aligned, and even if they are somewhat loosely associated with each other, they should have chosen a different name. This ties them too closely to American politics and to one American side. Israeli parties should be independent, not branches of foreign political parties and not tied directly to them and not even thought as the local chapter even if there is no real association. The Israeli political scene should be thought of as independent and bi-partisan.

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Halacha Headlines: 6/29/24 – Shiur 472 – What Happens to Kids When Parents Fight (audio)

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"The #GenZionist resistance to the Campus Tentifada!" | Eylon Levy at the Birthright Mega-Event 2024 (video)

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Gonenim Neighborhood. Serenity and Charm in Southwest Jerusalem. (video)

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Fight Your Fight | IDF Rabbinate Choir & Tomer Matana (video)

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Chaim Horowitz - (Ribono Shel Olam) (Official Music Video)

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Jun 27, 2024

Naftali Bennett at Cyber Week: October 7th and the future of Israel (video)

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Yamim Baim - Luzy Klatzko - Composed by Benzion Klatzko (video)

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Jun 26, 2024

Homeland (Moledet) (video)

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budgets and drafts

Some of the gedolim of the Haredi community have gone on a fundraising trip to the USA, looking to raise a significant sum of money, to the tune of $100million, that would be used to create a fund to support the yeshivas in Israel, making up for the shortfall from the government funding that has been, and will be further, cut due to the draft law issues.

There has been a little criticism of this, which I disagree with. I think the criticism, little as it was, was based on the timing - during a war with hostages and all that, the money should be directed to the war effort, supporting the wounded, etc. I disagree with this sentiment. There are plenty of people out there donating to all sorts of causes. If all donations are to be stopped and redirected to the war effort, where is the criticism of donations to cancer research at this time or to supporting the needy or to any other cause? Only donations to yeshivas draw criticism?

Thankfully there are lots of different people with different priorities and that way all different sorts of causes can get supported.

That being said, anybody who thinks this fund creating increased financial independence of the Haredi community, independence from the government and its demands, are, I think, sorely mistaken.

One can argue whether the government should or should not support institutions that encourage dodging the draft. However, even if the government does not fund them and instead those institutions attract money from elsewhere, that still does not exempt them from the laws and societal obligations that everyone else is tied down with. They are citizens like anyone else and the mandatory draft applies to them equally, even if they do not get the budgets they want. 

This financial independence will not secure them quiet on this front. They need the financial independence and should continue working toward it, but they should not expect that this will effect a release from the claims that they must share the burden. the suggestion that freeing themselves from the government budgets would win them quiet from the draft was always a red herring and a false equivalence.

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change in the Haredi leadership

Obviously the big news of the day was the Supreme Court decision saying that with no law granting exemptions, the Haredim must draft just like everyone else to the IDF (as per the general draft law), and if they organizationally do not, the government cannot pay the various monies to the yeshivas while harboring draft dodgers.

Whatever happens with the draft law, what I find most intriguing about this, at least as of today, is that the Haredi MKs and Minister barely let out a peep. They eventually made some obligatory, mostly pareve, statements against the Supreme Court, but their response was nothing like what they have been threatening it would be, nor like the responses from any point in history, including in very recent years, about this issue.

the fact that they did not bring down the government over this is humongous. The fact that they have recently been pushing the draft law proposal proposed by Benny Gantz last year after they then called it a disaster and an attempt at shmad, shows perhaps a change in the style adapted by the Haredi parties.

It might simply be pragmatism. They have no reasonable alternative, so why break up the party? If they bring it down, the next government can only be worse for them. And other similar arguments. Just a few years ago (we cant really use last years as an example because they were in Opposition so naturally attacked everything that government did), they would have likely brought down the government over this, and over the government's lack of trying to solve it, and the statements made by some Likudniks supporting it. They would have been super militant. Even heading into this they were more militant, saying this is what will be the straw that breaks the camels back and without an immediate solution they would leave. When push comes to shove they haven't left, making a variety of excuses why it is pointless to leave.

So it might just be a strange form of pragmatism that overcomes ideals. The Haredi parties used to have some pretty strong red lines, while this government has crossed most of them with little to no response from the Haredi parties.

But it might also be a fundamental change in the way they approach things now. They perhaps know they cant get everything they want. They dont want to give up their share in leadership of the nation. They want the benefits of being in government, and the costs are less bothersome. They used to be in government to "save what they could" for the Torah world - now they aren't even doing that, but stay in government anyway.

I think this change in their approach, for either reason, is massive, and perhaps indicates some sort of coming closer to Israeli society. They still want what they want, but they are not really willing any longer to stand up for it when push comes to shove in the face of what most everyone else wants.

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so who is Left now?

Remember when last week IDF Spokesperson Daniel Hagari drew fire when he said the IDF can destroy Hamas militarily and kill the terrorists and dismantle the organization but it cant get rid of an idea, the ideology that is Hamas? 

Hagari said this, last week, and was immediately incessantly attacked by members of the government, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. They accused him of trying to thwart the possibility of Israel winning the war. they accused him of being a leftist. They accused the IDF of not doing its job as set out by the government. They used this as an example to show the IDF is run by leftists who want Israel to lose and just want to dismantle the government.

Well, today, Tzachi Hanegbi, Israel's National Security Advisor, bona fide right winger, long time Likudnik, son of Geula Cohen (Likud and then Tehiya z"l), appointed as NSA by PM Netanyahu himself, said they exact same thing.

Today at the Reichman University Herzliya Conference Hanegbi said "We can’t get rid of Hamas as an idea, there we need an alternative idea, not just hurting the military capabilities of Hamas"...

Did you hear a peep from PM Netanyahu about Hanegbi trying to make sure Israel loses the war, or that he is a leftist trying to bring down the government? or, alternatively, did you hear an apology to Hagari? To be fair, there was some criticism of Hanegbi for saying this, but it was, reportedly, kept pretty quiet and internal, only voiced in internal government whatsapp groups, and only voiced there by members of Otzma Yehudit and Hatzionut Hadatit, not by the Likudniks and others who joined in the criticism of Hagari.

Don't turn everything into left vs right and when someone doesn't follow the exact script you want them to say they immediately become the enemy.

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Jun 25, 2024

The Sin Of The Spies - Why We Must All Move To Israel (video)

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Shalom Rav שלום רב | Eli Skaist Feat. Ari Dobkin | TYH Nation (video)

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Jun 24, 2024

Hashem Yikom Damo

The Yudkin family is fighting with the IDF to get the initials hyd inscribed on their son's grave. 

Yisrael Yudkin, 22 years old from Kfar Chabad, was killed in battle in Gaza. 

The family wants the traditional hyd on the grave. HYD stands for Hashem Yikom Damo - God should avenge his blood. The IDF is saying, sorry we don't do that. You can't put that on the top of his grave but you can put it on the side stone. 

I'm not sure how but somehow this has also turned into a haredi/non-haredi issue, with many taking a side referencing this as being an issue on which to be considerate of haredim, if we want them to draft. I'm not sure why it is a haredi issue, let alone to be specifically on top rather than the side. Are haredim the only people who request hyd on graves? 

The IDF is a bureaucracy. Probably the largest of all Israeli bureaucratic organizations, alongside Bituach Leumi. The IDF has its rules and guidelines. For whatever reason they don't put hyd on the grave, on top, and want uniform grave memorials. That's the way it is. 

Honestly, this doesn't seem like a major issue, one that needs to be fought about, in either direction. I don't know why the IDF doesn't put hyd on (though I understand why as a bureaucracy they refuse to change the policy) and I don't know why the lot needs to fight it and be the exception.. If you want a military burial, follow the rules of the military burial. If you want to write your own epitaph on the grave, do a private burial. 

In the end, I think this will be a trigger for the long run to push the idf to change policy-this policy and probably others, to be considered more culturally sensitive. Especially as the IDF will get more religious in the coming years... 

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PM Netanyahu interview on Channel 14 (video)

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Lefties losing it: Rita Panahi mocks ‘clueless’ pro-Palestine protesters (video)

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Houthis make a music video (video)

This is the latest Houthi music video...

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Mordechai Shapiro - Nagila (Official Music Video)

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Jun 23, 2024

The United Nations strikes again

UN Secretary-General António Guterres expressed his grave concerns on Friday about the friction in the north between Lebanon (Hezbollah) and Israel increasing and widening into a greater conflict. Guterres said "Let’s be clear: The people of the region and the people of the world cannot afford Lebanon to become another Gaza ".

1. Guterres isn't worried Israel might become another Gaza, under attack by Iranian advanced weapons in the hands of Hezbollah. He is only worried Lebanon might become another Gaza, from Israeli attacks

2. I guess he has confidence in Israel's abilities, but not in Hezbollah's.

3. or maybe he just does not care if Israel becomes Gaza from Lebanese attacks?

4. and why did it not bother him until now with Hezbollah attacking Israel daily, destroying communities, displacing tens of thousands of people from communities near the border, but is only concerned once Israel starts stepping up the retaliatory strikes and what that might lead to?

5. Where are the United Nations peacekeeping forces and why are they not doing their job?

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low hanging fruit

There was some strange incident near the end of this past week. PM Netanyahu tried to appoint someone (Avi Cohen Scali from Bet Shemesh) to the position of "Projector" for Northern Israel. Netanyahu retracted the appointment pretty quickly and there were some explanations as to why, but this is just another strange incident with Netanyahu about which we will never really know the truth.

It seems Minister Yitzchak Wasserlauf had said that he will not support a political appointment like that.

Today Netanyahu excoriated Wasserlauf in the government's meeting. Netanyahu said he will not be threatened by Ministers to vote against the government. That is unacceptable. I am not willing to allow ministers to threaten the Prime Minister. 

Netanyahu is being big and angry and scolding against a minor minister, while he lets other ministers, more senior ones and those with more sway and influence, threaten him and his government 2 to 3 times a week. And simple MKs as well. Between Ben Gvir and Gafni and Deri along with others, Netanyahu has probably been threatened a record number of times over the past few months. Yet he says nothing because he cannot afford to anger them and drive them away. 

Ben Gvir might choose to back his guy (Wasserlauf) up, but it seems more likely he will just let this haranguing slide. Netanyahu can save some face going after the unimportant low hanging fruit while he lets the more difficult people walk all over him...

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Asking an IDF soldier that was in Gaza anything 😱 (video)

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Jerusalem at Night! An Incredible Walk Through the City Center! (video)

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Shmueli Ungar - FIRE! - (Official Music Video)

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Jun 21, 2024

Carlebach Kabalas Shabbos - Avrumy Straus & Friends (video)

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Jun 20, 2024

‘Picked the wrong target’: ‘Anti-Israel’ heckler disrupts Jerry Seinfeld’s show (video)

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Jerusalem! Diving into Friday! From Old City to Machane Yehuda Market. (video)

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Meilech Kohn - Gedavent (Official Music Video)

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Jun 19, 2024

Quote of the Day

We are at war on several fronts, before us are big challenges and difficult decisions, so I request from all the coalition partners - get a hold of yourselves. Rise to the importance of the hour. This is not the time for petty politics, not the time for legislating laws that endanger the stability of the coalition fighting to be victorious against our enemies

  -- Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, telling his bickering coalition partners to calm the heck down before it ends up bringing down his government...

Interestingly, he did not try to put an end to it before it happened by saying now is not the time for these law proposals, he allowed the proposal to be raised and voted on. he even kicked members of the Likud out of the committee and had them replaced because they said they opposed it. he helped Deri find ways to bring it back despite it being killed. He then tried to arrange a compromise with Ben Gvir to allow it to pass. When all that failed and he saw how bad of a situation he had gotten into, suddenly it isnt time for petty politics...

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Picture of the Day

This is the largest flag in the country, measuring 17x12 meters. Today it was raised above Netiv Haasara, overlooking Bet Hanoun in Gaza. The spot it was raised at was where Hamas initially busted through the wall on October 7 and killed 20 residents of Netiv Haasara. 20 olive trees were also planted near the flag in memory of the murdered residents

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Tweet of the Day

Yedidya posts:
I went down from guard duty in the tower and notice Avi, who in his regular life runs a company that builds vertical gardens, sitting and working. That's what he does every day, between patrols and being stationed in the lookout seat, he continues to try to keep his business alive.
The profile of a Reservist in 2024

we deserve, the dedicated and selfless Reservists deserve, a better government with their fighting and bickering and trying to pass stupid laws so MKs and Ministers can help their relatives and friends get lifetime jobs while the Rservists are out there for months on end selflessly dedicated to the country while trying to keep their businesses from failing with little to no assistance from the government

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can we get any more dysfuntional?

From day 1 this government has been dysfunctional and almost nothing goes right. 
Over the past couple of days they have really hit rock bottom with the fighting over the draft law and then even more so the rabbanim law and now bickering over who is at fault and who should be polygraphed - and let's not forget the video clip PM Netanyahu made about the US government stopping arms shipments to which the US government replied that they dont know what he is talking about as all shipments have been processed as expected and only one had been held up temporarily....

While one might think they cant get any worse, any more dysfunctional, I believe they will continue to prove me wrong and will find ways to accomplish it!

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FULL MUNK DEBATE - Douglas Murray Vs Mehdi Hasan - Anti-Zionism and Anti-Semitism (2024) (video)

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No Jews - No News (video)

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The Ramparts Walk in the Old City of Jerusalem. A Historic Journey Above the Ancient Walls. (video)

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Eli Barzel - Shomer Aleinu (video)

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Jun 18, 2024

"We're looking at reality as it is" - Interview on "The Lead" on CNN (video)

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"No Greater Mitzvah than the Redemption of Captives" | Eylon Levy at the Hostage Square Prayer Rally (video)

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Roni And Her Dancing Dog Rhythm Bring an "UNBELIEVABLE" Audition! | Auditions | AGT 2024 (video)

Roni and the dog Rhythm are Israeli, competing in America's Got Talent 2024...

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ASHDOD TODAY! A Beautiful City! The Jewel on the Mediterranean Shore. Israel. (video)

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Joey Newcomb - Bonim Lamakom (video)

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Jun 17, 2024

cutting out Turkiye

as reported on Ice, Minister of Finance Betzalel Smotritch has decided to punish Turkey/Erdogan for his continued support of Hamas and the declining, or deteriorating, relationship with Israel. To that end Smotritch has announced that import taxes on goods imported form Turkey will be increased to the rate of 100% taxes. This will be brought to the government for approval.

Obviously the idea of this is to hurt Turkey. They cant work against Israel and then expect us to just go about our regular business with them and import their goods helping their economy. With such high taxes it will not be profitable for importers to import from Turkey and will look for alternative sources to import from.

Smotritch is conditioning this on Erdogan's rule saying this emergency order will be nullified at the end of Erdogan's reign as President of Turkiye. I would assume if whoever follows Erdogan as President of Turkiye is just as anti-Israel the orders will be renewed (possibly), but we would like to believe the problem there is Erdogan and anyone who comes after him will be better and more favorable to Israel than Erdogan is.

From a political perspective I think this is a great idea and maybe even long overdue.

That being said, raising taxes, cutting out a major source of imported goods, is likely going to cause prices to rise. While we can easily say that is the price to pay for Zionism, for not supporting our enemies, for not supporting those who wish to harm us, Israel has always already been a pretty expensive place to live and in the past year it has gotten significantly worse and more expensive. This move is likely going to make it even more expensive. Maybe at the same time taxes are increased for Turkish goods, taxes should also be cut for goods form alternative sources.

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I envy his confidence

in the leadup to the elections for Chief Rabbi (which may possibly get postponed again), Rav Shmuel Eliyahu, Chief Rabbi of Tzfat and candidate for the position of Chief Rabbi of Israel, was asked an interesting question at a recent session in Yeshivat Hakotel in Jerusalem. Rav Eyal Yakobovitz, Rosh Yeshiva of the Hesder Yeshiva of Tzfat, asked Rav Eliyahu what is the first thing he would do upon being elected as Chief Rabbi of Israel?

Rav Shmuel Eliyahu gave a unique, and I think unusual, answer in response.

Rav Shmuel Eliyahu said that should he be elected to the position of Chief Rabbi the first thing he will do is invite the Pope to a meeting and teach him the book of prophecy, help him do teshuva, and thereby uproot evil from the root. And the second thing he would do, he said, is spend Shabbos with the soldiers in the South.
source: Israel National NewsIsrael National News

I envy his confidence. He is going to invite the Pope to a meeting, help him do teshuva and uproot evil from the roots. Impressive!

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Tweet of the Day

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Does Truth Matter Anymore? | Eylon Levy at Associazione Setteottobre in Milan, Italy (video)

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Is a 'civilian' someone who holds hostages in his home for 8 months? (video)

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history lesson from Bill Maher (video)

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Discover the Charm of Tel Aviv! A Scenic Tour from the Northern to the Southern Part of the City. (video)

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MDY Feat. Nissim Black - The Yomi (Official Music Video)

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Jun 16, 2024

Interesting Psak: rending clothes upon death of teacher

A question was asked of Rav Avraham Yosef. The question posed being a community rav in Holon had passed away. The questioner, one of the rabbi's congregants, said that they had learned a lot of torah form the rabbi but mostly when they were younger children and much less as they grew older. The question is, at his funeral should they tear their clothes in mourning?

Rav Avraham Yosef responded, after heaping praise on the rabbi who had passed, that even if the Torah the rabbi taught was to children, that still gives him the status of Rav Muvhak upon which the student must rend his clothes in mourning. The Vilna Gaon famously said the teacher who taught him the aleph beis was the greatest teacher he ever had as by knowing the aleph beis he was then able to learn all the torah he eventually learned. With the rabbi who passed it is more than that - he gave life, he gave the ability to taste the torah, he encouraged his students to study more and to take on more torah and mitzvos. Whoever learned torah form him, even if just as a child, must rend his clothes in mourning.
source: Kol Hai NewsKol Hai News

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Book Review: Careful Beauties Ahead! My Year With The Ultra-Orthodox

Tuvia Tenenbom Searching for Self

By Dr. Harold Goldmeier

Dr. Harold Goldmeier is an Instructor at Touro University, Jerusalem, a small business owner, and writes about finance, social, and political issues. He is a free public speaker for community groups and consults on matters of commerce and industry. He can be reached at harold.goldmeier@gmail.com.




            The crisis between the Ultra-Orthodox and Zionists has the makings of an existential threat to the Jewish state. My review of Tuvia Tenenbom's new book gives remarkable insight into the workings of this community. Tuvia explores and uncovers segments of the Ultra- Orthodox each following their own rabbi. He reveals the good and the bad, contributions to a civil society and narcissistic gangsterism. Tuvia focuses on individuals, one on one, as he seeks to revive memories of youth.


            Tuvia Tenenbom’s newly released book in English, Careful Beauties Ahead! My Year With The Ultra-Orthodox (Gefen Publishing House, 2024) is the latest in his oeuvre of witty creative nonfiction. The book is a mix of social anthropology and memoir. Throughout his labyrinthine storytelling, this reader was captivated by Tuvia’s encounters with clandestine Ultra-Orthodox Jewish sects usually viewed as one large community. They are not all alike.  They do not observe Jewish law alike, share loyalties to the same rabbis, the women are not all Stepford wives, and some adults live on the brink of walking out of the community.

            Tuvia brashly encounters Ultra-Orthodox men and women on the streets, in their schools, synagogues, and homes to regenerate his youthful memories.  His roots are among the Ultra-Orthodox. Tuvia was born, raised, and educated as one of them for his first 17 years. He dressed in black and spent days and nights learning Torah. Tuvia left everything behind for adventures in the secular world; he forged a life in journalism and literature, watching the beauties on the streets while fressing in European and American cafés.  Tuvia achieved the renown and the pleasure he was after. But his fond memories from Jerusalem and Bnei Brak, home to the Ultra-Orthodox, were indelible.

            Now he tries to go home in search of roots and community. Tuvia immerses himself for a year among the Ultra-Orthodox. The book is packed with Tuvia’s insights and revelations. We learn a lot about Tuvia but more about the lives and organization of the Ultra-Orthodox. Doors open for Tuvia because of his arcanum, affability, and fluency in ancient Yiddish, the first language of the Ultra-Orthodox. He finds the people friendly and generally happy with their lives; their bellies are full of delicious homemade traditional European Jewish foods made by grateful wives who get pleasure from their roles. Looking back, Tuvia ruminates, “These kids of Mea Shearim, who sometimes look like tough kids, are awesomely sweet.” 

Know They Enemy

            Angry secularists hate the Ultra-Orthodox but will gain insights from Tuvia’s 551-page book. Enemies see the Ultra-Orthodox as block voters who portray themselves as victims of the secularists (Zionists) trying to drive Godliness out of them. Ultra-Orthodox generally reject modernism, secular education, most technology, and any language other than old-world Yiddish. Independent thinking is forbidden.

            He explores how some in the community despise the government, the IDF, and the police. They fear a Satanic cabal is trying to persuade the Ultra-Orthodox to become secularists by threatening to cut off yeshiva subsidies, force religious children to spend time on secular studies, speak Hebrew, chastise religious men to work for a living where they will mix with non-religious people in workplaces, on trains, and buses and be enticed away from Torah study.

            Drafting Ultra-Orthodox students into the military is to force them to forsake their Godly ways and beliefs. They would rather die at the hands of Jew haters and the Zionists if that is God’s decree.

            Tuvia writes, “Jews have been saved from total annihilation, they taught me,” by not forsaking Yiddish, black and white clothes, keeping the Sabbath, and believing their rabbis speak with and sometimes holier than God’s word. While not everyone believes to the extreme of many Ultra-Orthodox that “Zionists are not Jews,” the larger community acquiesces and remains silent. Extreme believers garner gravitas and chutzpa from the silent majority who fear for their personal safety, ex-communication, having their children outcast from schools, and daughters and wives shunned.

            About 130 of Israel’s economists and 73 professors released a letter in May characterizing Haredim as an existential threat to Israel. Haredim scantily contribute to the nation’s economy and its military defense.  “There are no dogs…And no Progressives” in this community.

            It is important to understand the Ultra-Orthodox because they hold political sway, more or less, over the governments of Israel, the U. S., and the UK. They have extraordinary influence in Russia, Eastern European capitals, and several South American political machines.   Second, Haredim, the fur and black-hatted, white shirt, black coat, and black suit-wearing men, and their shadowy, enshrouded women are the fastest growing segment of the Jewish people in every country.     

            Are these the same people Tuvia left behind? Tuvia is amazed four decades later at the political noise and headlines from the Ultra-Orthodox. They launch street protests, turn out by the tens of thousands for funerals of their great rabbis, and are astute at raising millions of shekels to build elaborate houses of worship, live in splendorous homes, and operate an extensive, worldwide network of charitable and money-lending organizations. Nefarious acts Tuvia relates that happen in every community are covered up because “the media in Israel is very weak” and Haredim “have all the money in the world” to sue.



            His story in Careful Beauties Ahead! is to rejewvinate the sights, sounds, smells, and religious banter he loved as a child. Nostalgia is a desire but not enough of a motivator for Tuvia to live permanently among them. His book is laced with love even as he peels back some ugly and criminal sore spots given cover by the rabbis.     

            His waywardness, i.e., off the derech, was in part due to their sensible philosophies and arguments that led Ultra-Orthodox “to reach the most ridiculous of conclusions.”  For instance, as a teen, Tuvia “demanded to know (from his rabbis) why he was not allowed to look at women.” He was told only infidels look at women. Satan must be inside him; some sects believe that man’s desires are inspired by the Satanic wiles of females. One sect allows martial relations once a month, primarily to satisfy the wives and keep men’s focus on the Torah.   

            Tuvia’s greatest accomplishments come forward when he uses his knowledge of Torah and Talmud and Yiddish to get male and female Haredim to speak with him and answer his poignant intrusive questions. Quite a feat. But that is meaningless without Tuvia’s gift of great storytelling.


Despite the headwinds, “98 percent of Haredim report being satisfied with their lives, higher than any other segment of the society, and only 11 percent of them say that they feel lonely…” And this is true of the women as well.

            Tuvia is a Zionist but “The Haredim are my family, whether I want it or not, whether they want it or not. The umbilical cords of our grandmothers attach us, and we can’t separate.”

             “When I started the journey, I was filled with memories of the sweet boy I once was and thought he had died long ago, forever gone. Today, I know a little better. That boy has never gone…” nor is the sense of community. But now home is in the European cafés and the secular world.














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Douglas Murray blasts Hamas over ‘refusal’ to end war with Israel (video)

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Ritchie Torres Stands with Israel at AJC Global Forum 2024, Introduced by Curtis Lane (video)

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Michael Douglas on Israeli TV (video)

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Tram Stops. A Walking Tour of Jerusalem's Tramway Route. Red Line. Part 3. (video)

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Yossi Rodal - Moshiach Now - (Official Music Video)

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Jun 13, 2024

Picture of the Day

at the recent funeral of Major Tal Pshebilski Shaulov in Gedera, a combat soldier from Givati killed in Gaza

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Do you think we should go into Gaza dancing ballet with flowers, to rescue our hostages? (video)

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Leftists around the world left ‘heartbroken’ after four Israelis were rescued from Gaza (video)

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"Hamas is a death cult, it wants to maximize suffering" | Eylon Levy on Talk TV (June 12, 2024) (video)

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Fmr Prime Minister Bennett on FoxNews: "Hizbullah=Lebanon" (video)

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Lenny Solomon Live (video)

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I Give Thanks (Modeh Ani) (video)

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Jun 10, 2024

#154: Behind the Bima - Mati Dan (video)

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"If He Keeps His Trap Shut He’ll Win" Ben Shapiro On Trump, Biden and Israel-Hamas (video)

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PM Bennett to CNN: Nasrallah of Hezbollah should not make his big mistake again. (video)

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Friendly Jerusalem! An Amazing Walk from the City Center to the Western Wall. (video)

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Jun 9, 2024

chilul shabbos or shared destiny

Yesterday, on Shabbos, as news of the successful hostage rescue operation got out, signs similar to the one below were posted in many buildings around Israel:

These signs were posted by secular neighbors overjoyed by the news wanting to share it with their religious neighbors who they know would not otherwise find out until several hours later after Shabbos.

I did see online that many religious neighbors appreciated the sentiment, the recognition that we are all in this together and all care and share the same concern for the hostages... while many religious neighbors would have preferred to not be told (and some were not told by similar signs and said after that they prefer it that way), Shabbos should not be desecrated for the news, important and joyful as the announcement might be, and they could have waited until after Shabbos to find out.

It is an interesting question to ponder. I am not sure what the right thing to do is, but I think we can appreciate the feeling of unity and shared destiny even if we think it should have been handled in a way that does not employ chilul shabbos.

And speaking of chilul shabbos... MK Moshe Gafni (UTJ), has become accustomed to criticizing Minister Benny Gantz every time he puts out a message on Shabbos (doesn't happen often but has happened a couple of times throughout the war), yet he did not criticize Netanyahu's many messages released to the press yesterday and his publication of footage of the rescue operation.

My assumption is that Gafni used the lenient opinions on the issues of media and electricity regarding Shabbos and nothing Netanyahu did entailed chilul Shabbos. Had it, Gafni would surely have criticized it.

I laugh but the truth is I find it shameful how Gafni has politicized the issue of Shabbos.

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"innocent civilians" in Gaza holding hostages

I was surprised to see a lot of anger and hate online over the rescue operation in which Noa Argamani, Shlomi Ziv, Andrey Kozlov, and Almog Meir Jan were freed from captivity.

There was anger over the murder of "innocent civilians" during the operation. Anger over genocide. Anger over using the American "port" (which didnt happen) for the rescue operation. Anger over using humanitarian aid trucks (which didnt happen) to sneak in to rescue the hostages. Anger over killing of about 200 people and injuring others in the process of rescuing the 4 hostages.

Hey, Gaza. You are welcome to avoid all this and just release the hostages you are holding. It would even likely bring an end to the war, but at least that would prevent "innocent civilians" from getting killed during rescue operations.

On that note, if innocent civilians know where hostages are being held and are keeping that secret, they are part of Hamas, they are combatants, not innocent civilians. if they just keeping it quiet because they are afraid of Hamas, they can get messages to Israeli soldiers and will be protected. If "innocent civilians" are housing hostages, they are not innocent civilians but combatants.

200+ killed in the rescue of 4 Israelis? It is Hamas that has set the equation at about 50 Palestinians for every 1 Israeli. We are just honoring that equation.

All that being said, and as proud as everyone in Israel is about the successful rescue operation, we must remember not just the fallen hero Arnon Zemora who fell in battle during the operation but we must also remember that there are still another 120 hostages waiting to be rescued or released. I worry, and dread to think, about what an operation like this might make Hamas do to the remaining living hostages to punish them or to prevent them from being rescued in similar operations. 

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British media ask the stupidest questions....

You can always count on the British media, BBC or Sky News, to ask the stupid questions...

They think Israel should have warned the Palestinians that a secret operation to rescue hostages was about to be launched.... how do they come up with this kind of stuff???

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solid proof

The Supreme Court today gave the State two months to offer an defense of the recently passed "Al Jazeera" law in which Israel shut down the Al Jazeera station in Israel for supporting terror.

The best defense of the law, in my opinion, that Israel can offer is simply pointing to yesterday's rescue mission in which Israel rescued Noa Argamani from captivity in Gaza. Argamani was being held by a "civilian" captor who worked as a photojournalist for Al Jazeera.

Al Jazeera employees working for Hamas and holding Israeli hostages? if that isnt enough proof that Al Jazeera supports terror and works against Israel, and needs to be shut down, what else possibly would be?

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Picture of the Day

Noa Argamani, reunited with her father, after the successful operation rescued Noa and three other Israelis (Almog Meir Jan, Shlomi Ziv, Andrey Kozlov) who have been held hostage by Hamas for the past 246 days in Gaza

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Halacha Headlines: 6/8/24 – Shiur 469 – Learning Torah when it’s nearly impossible (audio)

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Top 101 Tips For Making Aliyah To Israel (video)

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Bardak: The crisis (video)

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Talpiot Neighborhood. The Hidden Gem of Southern Jerusalem. (video)

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Nissim Black - KEEP GOING (Official Video)

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Jun 6, 2024

HOPES & DREAMS (composed by Yossi Green) | Shela-He (video)

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Jun 5, 2024

The Gen Z Divide | Montana Tucker on Being a Proud Jew in the Face of Ignorance and Conformism (video)

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Lemaaseh - | Duvid Fleischman (video)

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