Jun 26, 2024

so who is Left now?

Remember when last week IDF Spokesperson Daniel Hagari drew fire when he said the IDF can destroy Hamas militarily and kill the terrorists and dismantle the organization but it cant get rid of an idea, the ideology that is Hamas? 

Hagari said this, last week, and was immediately incessantly attacked by members of the government, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. They accused him of trying to thwart the possibility of Israel winning the war. they accused him of being a leftist. They accused the IDF of not doing its job as set out by the government. They used this as an example to show the IDF is run by leftists who want Israel to lose and just want to dismantle the government.

Well, today, Tzachi Hanegbi, Israel's National Security Advisor, bona fide right winger, long time Likudnik, son of Geula Cohen (Likud and then Tehiya z"l), appointed as NSA by PM Netanyahu himself, said they exact same thing.

Today at the Reichman University Herzliya Conference Hanegbi said "We can’t get rid of Hamas as an idea, there we need an alternative idea, not just hurting the military capabilities of Hamas"...

Did you hear a peep from PM Netanyahu about Hanegbi trying to make sure Israel loses the war, or that he is a leftist trying to bring down the government? or, alternatively, did you hear an apology to Hagari? To be fair, there was some criticism of Hanegbi for saying this, but it was, reportedly, kept pretty quiet and internal, only voiced in internal government whatsapp groups, and only voiced there by members of Otzma Yehudit and Hatzionut Hadatit, not by the Likudniks and others who joined in the criticism of Hagari.

Don't turn everything into left vs right and when someone doesn't follow the exact script you want them to say they immediately become the enemy.

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1 comment:

  1. There is no left in Israel. There are people who are stuck in the same stupid "kontzeptzia", who not coincidentally are the same people who parrot stupid American talking points like this, and those who are not and do not.

    There's no bigger kontzeptzia person than little Tzachi.
