Oct 13, 2024

Picture of the Day

That is Paul McCartney visiting a synagogue in Santiago, Chile on Yom Kippur with his wife.

From what I understand, his wife is Jewish, as was his first wife, and thereby his children are also Jewish.

I guess his minhag is not to wear a kittel

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  1. They got married the day after Yom Kippur in 2011, and I remember that the day before they went to shul together.

    McCartney is seriously religious in a sort of non-denominational way, taking things like an afterlife for granted, unlike some of the other Beatles who were/are either committed Christians or vaguely Buddhist, or both, if that's possible.

  2. Trying to figure out which piyutim work with "Love me do" and "Yesterday"

    1. I can get עננו אלה-י אברהם to work with "Yesterday" with a little imagination.

  3. He addressed the congregation with “Hey Jews…”
