Jan 29, 2006

New Meretz election campaign upsetting people

The Marker, Israel's leading business daily, reports that the newest series of billboards cropping up around the country have begun to raise eyebrows. The billboards are advertising a clear political message, though it was unknown who was behind that message. No longer.

The message displayed on the billboards were derogatory in nature, specifically calling the left wing voters "Arab lovers" and "Leftist idiots" (my translation) among other things.

The billboards raised people's ire and in some places there were reports of vandalism.

It was discovered today that Meretz, the ultra secular liberal party, is behind those billboards. There goal was to be provocative and wake up the left wing lethargic voters, who generally can't be bothered to show up and vote. The reasoning goes, that if they think the right wingers are slamming them, they will take it personally and get off their lazy behinds and go vote.

Now we just have to wait to see what the backlash is after people find out about this underhanded ploy.


  1. I'n suroriused that the signs weren't blamesd on the right as being some evil racist plot...

  2. I'n suroriused that the signs weren't blamesd on the right as being some evil racist plot...

  3. Obviously it was meant for people to think that and upset people to wake them from their lethargy

  4. poloticians are like ad execs with power.

  5. What's the problem? Meretz welcomes the opportunity to negotiate with the new Hamas government. They are open Arab Lovers and and Leftist Idiots (idiots as in - happy go lucky fools!). They weren't trying to hide their authorship of the billboards! Sheesh!
