Jul 16, 2006

Baruch Dayan Ha’emes

I will soon be going to the funeral of Mindy Greenberg, a”h. I never met her, but I know many members of her family. She will be buried in the cemetery of Ranana, after a prolonged illness.

Mindy was the daughter of Leo and Shirley Schachter, and the wife of David Greenberg, son of Rabbi Yitz and Blu Greenberg.

May the family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and we should know only simchas in the future.


  1. I did know Mindy. She was my cousin through marriage. We truly got to know each other well when Mindy initially got sick. She stayed in Riverdale, NY to get treatment. Our girls were in the same class, they took pottery together. Mindy was an extraordinary woman. We were all praying for a miracle. We ache from the hole that's left in our hearts. We all think about David and the children.

  2. I am sorry for your loss. The funeral was very moving.

  3. i was there too. we are neighbors... is it possible for a funeral to be terrible and beautiful at the same time? this was one of the biggest funerals (for a regular person) that i have ever seen. she was an inspirational woman. this is a true loss to those who knew her.

  4. we are neighbors meaning you and the Greenbergs? or you and me?

    I never met her, but I heard alot about her. Just my knowing David gives me an impression of her..

    I was going to write something up about the funeral, but I did not get the opportunity until much later and then just got onto other things.

  5. sorry i wasn't clear. we live nearby the greenberg family...
