Sep 21, 2006

Shana Tova

I will take this opportunity before the holiday begins to wish all the readers and non-readers (though I do not know how they will get this message) a shana tova u'm'tuka.
You should all have a good year coming up that brings you happiness, health, wealth and the fulfillment of your dreams, goals and wishes. The new year should bring quiet and peace to Israel and to jews around the world, wherever they might be.
The coming year should be one in which our brothers and children who have been forcefully separated from their families shall be returned to their brethren and families.
And may the coming year be a year of the final geula with the building of the Beit Hamikdash.


  1. I wish you and your fam a happy healthy new year.

  2. amen & best wishes & shana tova to you too :)

  3. Shana Tova! And Amen to your wonderful brachot...

  4. What a great Shana Tova greeting. Health and happiness to you and your family.

  5. Happy and healthy new years to you and yours.


  6. Thanks Rafi. May you and your family have a year of bracha!

  7. My Shana Tova Greeting of choice this year is "may your upcoming year be a boring one!" Sounds like a good wish for you and yours this year too!

  8. Tizku Leshanim Rabot to you and your family, Rafi.
