Mar 14, 2007

more shechita

I went shechting again yesterday. These are the pictures that were missing the last time I went. It seems the guy using the camera yesterday had a few more brain cells than the guy last time. He was actually able to figure out how to press the button and snap the shot!

The meat was chalak and everything was great! We even had a mashgiah. Another group had hired a shochet to slaughter for them. This elderly rav is the rav responsible for all shechita at one of the hashgochos in Israel. He watched me shecht and checked the lungs of the animal and everything was great.

WARNING!! The photographs below contain graphic content. Do not view them if you have just eaten lunch, unless you have a stomach like mine...


  1. Great pics! Be sure to submit them to the next jpix carnival!

  2. awesome!!!

    rivka loves the pics, les got grossed out!

  3. Eeeeeew how could you, at least for the girls who get grossed out you should of had a link lol.

  4. well, I did put a warning up...

  5. Meat is murder. Tasty, tasty murder.

  6. well its a good thing I am already vegeterian

  7. Haven't seen anything like that since PETA.

    Did you let it walk around after you cut its throat?

  8. nope. that baby stayed put!!!

  9. is the blood not to be "poured" into the earth? according to Torah. i see it lies on concrete?

  10. only by fowl and "chaya" (commonly defined as undomesticated animals such as deer) does one need to pour it over the soil and cover it. by regular cattle (sheep and cows) there is no such mitzva or obligation.
