Mar 19, 2007

new restaurant coming to Israel

According to Haaretz Breaking News, Hooters will be opening up its first restaurant in israel. of course it will be in Tel Aviv.

Hooters restaurant chain to open branch in Tel Aviv (Reuters)

My only question is if it will have a mehadrin hechsher....


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I remember reading a story, I think it was in "All For the Boss" where her father walked out of a wedding b/c the waitresses were tznua. He made a comment like how can they be makpid on yoreh deah, without being makpid on evan haezer.

  3. I just heard about it, someone told me it was on, interesting, I would doubt the proper hechsher if it is opening in Tel Aviv.

  4. My husband said it won't be kosher - too bad! He won't be able to stop by when we visit Israel this summer. :)

    Maybe they will have a sidewalk cafe where people can just order soda? Although, I don't think most orthodox guys would want to be on display sipping a drink in front of Hooters! LOL!

  5. I'm not exactly sure what Hooters is, but my feeling is that Eretz Yisroel would be better off without it.

  6. ed - it is amazing how people can be like that. isnt it?

    social - it was real in reuters and haaretz.

    frumhouse- it would not happen...

    ift - for sure, but we have become totally westernized and copy everything American nowadays..

    BTW, I do not think it will last long. Israelis are not like that. In a big country like America you can find women to dress like that and be waitresses like that. Israel is a small country and I do not think it will work out. At least not on the same business model. I do not think there are that many Israeli women who would lower themselves like that.

  7. It will have two hechshers.

    One will be certifying that the food is super glatt chalak kosher.

    The second will be certifying that the entertainment is super glatt chala treif.

  8. "BTW, I do not think it will last long. Israelis are not like that. In a big country like America you can find women to dress like that and be waitresses like that. Israel is a small country and I do not think it will work out. At least not on the same business model. I do not think there are that many Israeli women who would lower themselves like that."

    Disagree! Israel produces an enormous amount of smut and is a leader in the industry.

    What baffles me is why you'd even write about this? Does a disgusting news item like this really warrant mention?

  9. I do not see why not.. It gives for some humurous quips.. I had my line in my post. then a couple of the comments had cute and funny lines.. no reason not to poke fun at it..

    I was not aware Israel is a world leader in smut. Jews maybe buit not specifically Israel..

  10. the waitresses will have to wear 2 piece outfits - to seperate the milk and the meat....har har har

    (stolen from jay leno)
