Apr 1, 2007

nominee for Humra of the Month award!

My brother Shaya wrote in the comments of a previous post an experience he had in the supermarket. I nominate this for this months Humra of the Month Award!

He writes:
A lady in front of me in the grocery refused to unload her cart onto the checkout lin. the cashier offered to wipe it down with cleaner and she said no.

Every item had to be handed to the cashier and scanned, and put directly into the bas. She claimed it was because the counter has chometz on it.

I said, what about the cart? what about the people who picked up the box before you? what about the fact that its wrapped and sealed and you could just wipe it off? what about all the people in line behind you now having to wait extra time for your nareshkeit?

she said - sorry, it's halacha - no chametz in MY house!


  1. thats crazy, I'm getting so tired of hearing these insane stories of people acting like nuts. What is it about Pesach that brings out their irrational sides. Where does it say that you have to act like an Area 51 nutcase in order to observe Pesach properly.

  2. How about Chametz water?http://nfonss.blogspot.com/2007/03/israel-water-is-chometz.html

  3. DAG - in Israel that one is old... happens every year. I know people who fill lots of jugs of water before Pesah and only use that. They use no water from the tap on pesah unless they put it in bottles before pesah

  4. I believe that Lubavitch holds that way about water. I know of a few here who do this.

    We are watching the beginings of our society implode. It's like the formation of a black hole. right now we are seeing things start to build. Unfortunately as more people becoming more "ignorant frummies" and absorb more and more chumras without any idea why, the reverb/recoil will be tremendous.

  5. where do you draw the line? waving a chicken over your head is normal but not putting your kosher l'pesach goods on a public counter is outrageous. Wearing a black hat (or something to that effect) in the middle of summer (or anytime) is normal but putting water aside for pesach is not?
    Shaya, what you miss is that the religion has already imploded. Its like a star that went supernova that a billion light years away and we are just beginning to recieve the first radiation waves.

    Happy pesach all.

  6. maybe it's my examples sister?!!!

    I saw this lady behave as such myself, so I know it really happened, I just can't believe it really happened.

  7. wolf - that is also a great story

  8. That is very insane I see why it gets a medal. Enjoy the rest of pesach.
