Apr 16, 2007

Yom Ha'Shoah blog roundup

Robbie gives us a review of some of the broadcasted aspects of the evening ceremonies. The he discusses whether we are remembering in the right way.

I wrote about a story I read, along with a review of the story behind the famous tune of ani maamin.

Dzeni from New Zealand remembers the variety of people who perished, including family members.

Irina discusses some of the psychology around the Yom Ha'Shoah remembrance.

Jack reminds us that the past is important to remember so that we will realize we must save our future.

Olah Chadasha brings us a video on holocaust denial that emphasises the importance of Never Again!

BagelBlogger points us to a website with shocking photos from the Shoah. He also reviewed the history of the Pope and Vatican regarding the Holocaust.

Ya'aqov at Esser Agaroth describes for us current holocausts in progress and points us in the direction of organizatons working on preventing them.

While this is a bit unconventional, Elchonon posted in a "talkback" to a YNet article on Yom Ha'Shoah, instead of on his blog. In the talkback comment he talks about how Chareidim are really the answer to the holocaust and the true manifestation of Never Again. Go down to the bottom of the article and open talkback #3 to read Elchonon's piece and then in #6 he continues with a response.

YidWithLid discusses abuse of the memory of the holocaust and then explains how we should be rededicating ourselves to ensuring nothing like this happens ever again anywhere or to anybody, instead of just remembering.

OneJerusalem talks about the strength resulting from Yom Ha'Shoah.

RHM has an important discussion the issue of the timing of Yom Ha'Shoah. This debate comes up every year. DovBear puts forth a strong argument in the debate of the appropriateness of the timing of Yom Ha'Shoah.

Carl points us to the stories of the torch bearers from this years ceremonies.

SmoothStone points us to the story of a collection of hidden family pictures.

The SultanKnish talks about how remembering is just something we do..

Heichal HaNegina relates a story about the famous Rav David Werdyger.

JoeSettler discusses how the kollel system is an appropriate response to the holocaust.

LOR shows us an image of Godliness and evil.

CosmicX tells us that nothing has changed.

Dave Bender points us to some online exhibitions. Little Frumhouse on the Prairie points us to some as well.

Kumah points us to a photo essay from the siren sounding.

Ari explains Yom Ha'Shoah and offers some recommended reading. Here Ari remembers his grandmother's brother. Then he connects the Eurovision to Holocaust remembrance.

BenChorin puts Yom Ha'Shoah into perspective.

Jeffrey at MyObiterDichta talks about a relative who left a diary buried in a milk can in Warsaw..

SJ tells us why she does not read Holocaust books.

WestBankMama sent in a post from last year about learning to shoot a gun.

Batya questions why the financial situation of the survivors in Israel is so bad.. and describes her experience with the Yom Ha'Shoah siren. She also describes how El Al commemorated the Holocaust

Jameel commemorated Yom Ha'Shoah in Hungary. If you are going to only read one Yom Ha'Shoah post, in my opinion this is the one it should be.

Martha remembers from the US Holocaust Museum.

Miriam is trying to remember her father in law appropriately.

There is always the story of how Rose survived the Holocaust at Roses Story.

Rick tells us a story of a survivor from a town called Bochelow.

It's Almost Supernatural describes the ceremony he attended at West Park cemetary.

I posted all the blog posts that were sent to me on the topic of Yom Ha'Shoah, and many posts that I found on my own. I apologize if yours was not included. It was not meant as a slight, I probably just did not see it. I would be happy to include it and can add it at any time, so feel free to send me your posts for inclusion. Email them to israeli.jew at gmail dot com or post them in the comments...


  1. i also posted




  2. Well done and thanks for the link.

  3. thanks for the links.

    -ari kinsberg

  4. only one criticism...I'm a "she," not a "he"!

    but thanks for the roundup and the link!

  5. I just discovered your blog so I don't know if you only link to people you know, but I also posted,



    It's pretty shocking how few blogs mentioned it...

  6. Thank you for the link and for a well worth reading roundup.

  7. Well done Rafi, great round up.

  8. Great job; thanks for the links, and here's another one:

  9. Thanks for the link Rafi, great idea!.

    Shalom Aaron
    Visit: Bagelblogger
