Jul 15, 2007

quote of the day (qotd) - Shimon Peres

This post is being dedicated to two people:
  1. members and supporters of Shas
  2. all those who supported Shimon Peres for President on the belief that the position of the presidency has no power and he will not be able to affect any left-wing policies from the position.

We have to get rid of the territories,” “I won't make any secrets of my mind. I shall respect the minority. I shall not insult them,” “I changed my position. I didn't change my beliefs and concepts

Shimon Peres said the above statements during the ceremony of his inauguration into the presidency of Israel. He did not even wait one day before letting everyone know what his goals and objectives are going to be as President. He has no intention of being a figurehead and simply greeting basketball champions and sumo wrestlers. he has every intention of being a political President.

Kol Hakavod.


  1. did anyone really think the situation would be otherwise?

    (actually, iirc you had a post about this being a good way to get him out of the spotlight.

  2. when I wrote it, I wrote it as someone who was resigned to his election, not as someone who supported it for that reason. and actually what I wrote was not that he will nbot be able to push his left wing agendas. I wrote, "On an optimistic note, a good aspect of Shimon peres winning the presidency will be the fact that he will not be able to become Prime Minister when Kadima is forced to remove Olmert in order to avoid new elections. Peres will be stuck as President and we will not have to suffer with him as PM." - just that he could no longer become Prime Minister, which is a position of more ability to act.

  3. We can also thank those same supporters of Shas for the free economics lesson we are still undergoing. How's that cheap bread coming along?


  4. I am really beginning to wonder what the shas strategy will be for the next elections....They have done so much to alienate their own constituents, if elections happen anytime soon (within the next year) they could be in big trouble..

    On the one hand they have Ariel Attias who I like because he is actually seen working. Whether people agree with his ideas or not, I still like the fact that he has been working since day 1 to do his job right. We have not seen that with most other ministers. They might highlight him in their campaign.

    They might have to resort to the old method of having Rav Ovadia give a bracha to everyone who votes shas and curse anyone who does not. Scare tactics like that work to a certyain extent. I mean, why risk hell just for not voting shas, when all the opther parties are also a bunch of liars and self -interests

  5. he has every intention of being a political President

    And that's too bad for us, since one thing the last 15 years have shown clearly is the absolute bankruptcy of Peres' political policies.

    You're right, though; at least he can't become PM.

  6. Are you going to post about Aleph and the driver?

  7. Did you say Shas?

    That made me wake up. lol.

    They might have to resort to the old method of having Rav Ovadia give a bracha to everyone who votes shas and curse anyone who does not. Scare tactics like that work to a certyain extent. I mean, why risk hell just for not voting shas, when all the opther parties are also a bunch of liars and self -interests.

    I am not sure about the tactics of Shas, but how about if the other parties call each other Nazis, then they slap each other after that, and then they can all get banned from the Knesset. That's my solution. lol.

  8. moi - do you really want me to? I have tried to avoid the whole issue as much as I could because this is supposedly a family oriented blog.. :-). I was very tempted by the "Aleph and driver" twist, but have so far restrained myself....

    rebel - that's a good solution. start a fight and get everyone banned... get a whole new set of politicians...I would really like to see a Knesset food fight though. We could have people throwing chatzilin and watermelon all over the place!

  9. what I don't get is...in the entire country, aren't there any new players? Why is Peres, a 900 year old man getting elected to anything. People that old should not be allowed to drive anymore, let alone run a country. Are we all insane?

  10. good question anon. what irks me no that topic, aside from what you wrote, is that last year or two years ago, many politicians, including sme of the older ones, tried to pass a law limiting the age of a neighborhood rabbi. They said that a rabbi older than 65 cant relate to his constituents. I do not remember what happened. I think they compromised on 70 with some other conditions... Ariel Sharon was the main one behind it. So he was an 82 year old PM, or something close to that age, but he felt 70 year old cannot relate to their constituentsd. It was ok for him but not them....

  11. I've always liked that Groucho Marx quote about politicians -
    "Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies."
