Sep 2, 2007

Haveil Havalim #132

I have decided not to go with a theme this time. Rather I am just giving you the goods. Enjoy.

But before I begin, let me just give a shout out to the founder and manager of Haveil Havalim. Soccer Dad has been doing this now for I guess around 132 weeks, which equals about 33 months and about 2.5 years. Way to go Soccer Dad.
If any of you are willing to take the time to host a future edition, be in touch with SD.

bec made aliya. She shares her experience and first impressions with us. Say Mazel tov! and then bec had a "not so" random Jerusalem moment..

Schvach Yid comments on Jimmy Carter

muse compares elul to a bottle of bleach.

Batya discusses Education Reform in Israel.

Rafi G. (that's me!) questioned Rav Ovadia Yosef's outrageous statement about the cause of soldiers dieing..

Heichal Hanegina brings us a couple of stories of the Cherkasser Rebbe in honor of his yahrtzeit...

Go check out this new blog called bIBLemetrics which is all about Israel Baseball League (IBL) stats.

PsychoToddler warns anyone looking to buy a new sukka not to buy it from this guy...

Israellycool tells us the secret for taking over the world...

JoeSettler offers us the chance of doubling our mitzva this Rosh Hashanah by donating to a worthy cause...

AidelMaidel makes us aware of single mothers who are not being given the child support due them...

Batya points us to a story of a Palestinian father whose daughter is in an Israeli hospital, and he does not want her sent back to the hell of Gaza..

SnoopyTheGoon tells about father Jacob's unknown thirteenth son and where he ended up...and then obsesses over some statistics..

Drew Kaplan points us to an article he wrote about the bedtime Shema

The Fiery Spirited Zionist talks about Israeli ingenuity

Israellycool comments on the refugee situation

Robert Eisenman talks about God's Warrior's and the territories

Mere Rhetoric points out what happened right before Olmert offered Abbas security concessions. sigh. and then the Temple Mount.. sigh.

Batya remembers Gush Katif..with shells.

muse has back pain.. will it keep her from going to work?

Rafi G (me again) discussed the issue raised by ROY. I also posted the video of the full shiur for your own listening pleasure...

Yisrael Medad comments on the statement by Christine Amanpour about the settlements

Yisrael then pulled a flyer out of his mailbox..and sometimes even works!!

YidWithLid comments on ICAHD and an incident that happened on an airplane...and brings us the Islamic nut-job of the week...and he reveals plans of a worldwide boycott on Israel..

Judeopundit proposes a new hechsher called Hechsher Tamim to support ethics in kashrut...

Torah Thoughts blog (mine) has a vort from the parsha on putting things into perspective..

The Mo'ah comments on his finding non-Jewish parve ice cream.

Oleh and Big Girl walked through town to run errands....

Yitzchak Adlerstein defends Rabbi Lamm on Cross-Currents...

Meryl Yourish shows us how while Abbas is talking peace, the Palestinians really want war..

Volokh gives us some compelling reasons to put the Boston Red Sox logo, if any, on our yarmulkas...

Jack Bauer, er Jameel, did not go join the excitement at Ben-Gurion airport...

Jack remembers his friend who died 9 years ago...

TherapyDoc talks about leaving out a simple S in a comment...

By the Elder of Ziyon you can see a sample of Isaac Newton's Hebrew handwriting...

Schvach says it is time to up the ante..

muse reminds us Rosh Hashana is coming...

YidWithLid tells us what the PA is really doing with American aid dollars. I do not think the Americans would be too happy to find out... and here he has some videos of the destruction going on on Temple Mount...

Carl points us to who he thinks should be the Prime Minister, and who Bibi is really afraid of...and thinks we have seen the reality of the Peres solution..

A Simple Jew has a guest posting on the topic of leadership...

The PsychoToddler came to Israel and went to visit the grave of his great grandfather...

and Schvach Yid remembers his Opa, that's German for grandfather, on his yahrtzeit...

Carl points out that Olmert seems to have put Jerusalem back on the table...while a Druze police office tried to stop some of the illegal Wakf digging on Temple Mount and was told to stop by his Jewish commander...

Barbara wants Israel to act now in Gaza...

Avromi from DafNotes introduces Daf yomi.. he also brings a very interesting point based on the daf regarding Yosef's coat of many colors..


  1. Nice job, and thanks for the link!

  2. Yasherkoach, and thanks for the links.

  3. Wonderful, a really great HH.
    thanks for the links

  4. I'll agree this time with my wife.

  5. Thank you so much for the link!! Good job "just the facts" - still you gave space to a lot of great posts. I always enjoy reading HH!
