Sep 16, 2007

There must be 500 million Jews!

I don't get it. Every single catastrophe and crisis around the world involves an Israeli. Every plane crash, every mudslide, every earthquake. Something happens in some far flung country and there is always some Israeli there.

Today a plane crashed in Thailand and 3 Israelis are hurt.

I don't get it. There are only 13 million Jews (or so) in the world. There are only 7.25 million Israelis. How is it that every crisis or catastrophe seems to have an Israeli involved?


  1. that they do! and I guess they like to get involved in accidents all over the world!

  2. Unfortunately, some prefer to surf and sunbathe on Rosh HaShannah than to sit in shul and pray for their lives.

    Harsh? Look at the results.

  3. You forgot to mention that we apparently cause most of them too. We are indeed a mighty people! ;-)

  4. dont forget "ain piranius ba lioalam ela bishvil yisrael" even if jews arent there its our fault, or atleast to teach us something.

  5. hey anon - i'll remember that the next time a gadol or just a reg good person has his family killed.

    as a frum jew. I resent that you have decided hester panim is over and you know god's reasons.

  6. Rafi, how could you forget? It's all part of our plan to take over the world!

  7. Anonymous hat gesagt...
    Unfortunately, some prefer to surf and sunbathe on Rosh HaShannah than to sit in shul and pray for their lives.

    Harsh? Look at the results.

    September 16, 2007 5:29 PM

    What a retarted comment. You should check your own backyard before you judge others.
