Sep 6, 2007

Your logo needs a haircut!

This is the new logo the Symbols Committee has decided to use for the upcoming 60 year celebrations for the State of Israel.

I am no professional graphic artist so I will not comment on the quality. To my untrained eye though it looks nice. Not perfect, mind you, but nice. Personally I think they ruined the word "Israel" in the middle as the spacing looks uneven because of the swirls.

but overall it looks like a nice and funky concept.

MK Yitzchak Cohen (of Shas) opposed the logo above because the kid looks like he needs a haircut. The committee laughed at his opposition and proceeded to approve it.

I find that funny. That's it. Back to your regular programming....


  1. "Personally I think they ruined the word "Israel" in the middle as the spacing looks uneven because of the swirls."

    i'm a little disappointed with you. you are always trying to show that secular israel and israelis still have a nitzot of yiddishkeit, and here you ignore that they separated the aleph and the lamed for obvious reasons.

    "MK Yitzchak Cohen (of Shas) opposed the logo above because the kid looks like he needs a haircut."

    funny for a sephardi to say this. iirc, h. ovadia yosef writes at the beginning of his kitzur that while בלורית is not a sign of yirat shamayyim, it presents no problem of hatzitazah for tefillin. so what's the big deal if this kid has long hair?

  2. Personally, as I mentioned on my blog I though it was nice that they used one of the settler "Hilltop Children" as their model.
