May 22, 2008

Mafdal (NRP) politicians are all Reform

NRG/Maariv is reporting that Eli Yishai, the Chairman of Shas and the Minister of Industry, said in an interview today about the conversion situation that "the Mafdal politicians will all end up being Reform jews. When we vote in the Knesset against the Reform, they [Mafdal] vote in favor of the Reform. 30, 60 years ago, they fought against the Reform. Today they don't. Many of their voters have switched to supporting us - they are looking for real Judaism."

It is one thing to argue about policy. It is another thing to have the chutzpah to say that you are authentic Judaism and another group, an orthodox group no less, is not.


  1. Unfortunately, Rafi, I'm not surprised.
    It's really just a matter of actually voicing the thoughts that a large number of them have about us.
    Orthodox Judaism is becoming more and more polarized. And when all that's left is the extremes and us in the middle, guess who gets picked on?

  2. What was Yishai refering to? When has there been an opportunity to vote in favor of or against Reform?

  3. B"H Although I am very critical of Sh"aS for its shenanigans and hypocrisy, any time someone criticizes [that waste of space] Mafda"l, I have to stand up and cheer. I wish they would just die already.

    Sh"as is right here. Sh"as and UTJ may sell their souls for money, but I'd like to see Mafda"l [and Rav MK Benny Elon and Women In Green] at least lift up a finger against Christian missionaries like Sha"s and Hassidei Gur do, or at least try to.

    Does Mafda"l really make Torah a priority? They have no vision, and are perfectly happy with the status quo, as long as the bombs and rockets stop. {Whoops. That Sha"s and UTJ, too.}

    There's one thing that separates Mafda"l from the Haredi parties, and to a degree, HaIchud HaLeumi.

    Former MK Yahalom once was asked in an interview "If the majority of Kenesset voted to give up Yehudah and Shomron, would we have to, even if that goes against halacha."

    His response was yes, because we have to follow democracy.

    Sorry, but the Mafda"l will NEVER be able to live that one down.

    Still trying to get the tape of that interview.

    If Sha"s had strong control of the Kenesset I don't believe they'd screw it up nearly as much as Mafda"l would if they had the same control.

  4. Ely - I am not so sure Mafdal is "us in the middle"

    yoni - I don't know. My only thought is not really votes, but allowingf reform to be on committees dealing with religious issues in the knesset, though I have no idea how mafdal reacted in those situations. Another option might be specifically geirus issues, where mafdal might be seen as supporting fictitious conversions (like they are being portrayed in the current geirus controversy).

    ben-yehuda - I am no fan on the mafdal. I actually dislike them, as far as politics, and religion, is concerned. However, disagreeing with them is not the same as saying they are reform jews. They have their way, with their priorities, and they are not nor need they be the same as the priorities of shas and/or ger chassidim.

    Ichud Leumi has been irrelevant since their inception. What have they ever accomplished?

  5. Former MK Yahalom once was asked in an interview "If the majority of Kenesset voted to give up Yehudah and Shomron, would we have to, even if that goes against halacha."

    His response was yes, because we have to follow democracy.

    Sorry, but the Mafda"l will NEVER be able to live that one down.

    What were you advocating, start a coup and overthrow the government and replace it with one what wouldn't withdraw?

  6. B"H

    Anonymous, have a Shabba"k Shalom. Whoops, I mean Shabbath Shalom.

    {eyes rolling}

    What are you a mamlachti? Or just someone in Galuth who doesn't know any better?

  7. "What are you a mamlachti? Or just someone in Galuth who doesn't know any better?"

    Amazingly, neither.

    Next time, try addressing the arguments instead of name-calling.

    You might actually convince people that way.

  8. Anonymous,

    Who's name calling? I was just asking you questions.

    Addressing the arguments? If you were paying attention, then you would have noticed.

    Rafi, I'm afraid I missed your comment from before.

    I'm no fan of HaIchud HaLeumi. Big disappointment.

    Maybe calling Mafda"l Reform is a little extreme, but more than once they have either asked a rav a she'alah, then done what they wanted anyway {like the issue of women on the list}, Rav shopped, or just put halacha conveniently out of the picture. Sounds like going according to ones feelings to me, not a big difference than Reform, and just as hypocritical.

    The NRP is neither National, Religious, nor even a Party.

    Discuss amongst yourselves.
