Oct 26, 2008

Headline of the Day (hotd)

"Olmert on the threats by Right-Wing Activists: Their place is in jail"

-----NRG/Maariv, and Ynet (Hebrew)

Let's not forget that Olmert's place is also in jail. Perhaps they will even share a cell!


  1. And don't forget, what was said was in the heat of the moment, after the army/police illegally destroyed Noam Federman's home and all his personal belongings.

    Apparently Barak ordered it done ahead of the new election so he can appear to be tough on the settlers.

  2. while I do not disagree the government should not be uprooting his home, nor that Barak probably did it to look tough, I am not sure why you say they illegaly destroyed his house.
    When I visited federman in hjis house on his farm, he described how he has received warnings numerous times telling him his house will be razed as it is illegal.

    They make the legality of the situation, and they therefore legally (by their definition) razed the house.

    the legality or illegality of the issue is not one that can really be used...

    perhaps the morality of it...
