Nov 5, 2008

Hail to the Chief

Many in the frum community have made Barak Obama out to be pretty bad and evil for jews and for Israel. Time will tell, but it is hard to imagine that he can possibly be as bad as they made him out to be.

Regardless, even if he does turn out to be that bad, God forbid, perhaps the silver lining in it will be that it could be the catalyst for more Jews moving to Israel...


  1. welcome to the U.S.S.A - the United Socialist States of America.

    Now give me your money.

    I am too depressed to write more.

  2. Just this morning I said to my hubby that I think there will be a lot more Jews making aliya in the next year plus. Only time will tell how Obama will act towards the Jews. Let's all hope this change will only be for the good.

  3. The racism in the frum community nauseates me.

    The man wants an Orthodox, fluent-in-Hebrew Jew as his chief of staff. Is that someone who doesn't dig Jews?

    That is all.

  4. Chaviva, I am not racist and I am extremely insulted by the insinuation.

    What I am NOT is a democrat or a socialist or someone who 'hangs out' with Palestinian sympathizers or the crazy President of Iran's tea buddy.

    There are many many legitimate reasons why Obama was and IS dangerous. His color had nothing to do with it.(although I can assure you that many voters voted him in precisely for that very reason and no other)

  5. Anon, I wasn't calling you out ... my comment was a rollover from a variety of blogs I've been reading today about Jews/Israel/Obama.

  6. please don't generalize

  7. Anon ... sorry I offended you.

  8. i read it.............I agree with the post that says that frum people hate the ghetto street thug culture that they have to deal with in the major urban centers. that is so true. that can get twisted by some pple into outright racism but I personally would vote for anyone based on policy alone. If Obama refected my values then he would have received my vote.

  9. It's always entertaining that certain individuals can only voice their opinions....under anonymous comments. I wonder why? If you feel so strong about your thoughts and feelings why not appear here under your own name? I guess you are not brave enough. Meh.

    The thug culture has nothing to do with Obama. You are generalizing yourself.

    It really blows my mind that...Jews whose parents and grandparents were murdered by right wing extremists choose to side with those who are actually totally antisemitic bible belt fanatics. Do you think those christians are going to welcome you with open arms?

  10. i am anon - and I have nothing to hide.

    if you read the posts, you would have seen that i was reacting to a link that Chaviva posted. What do my murdered relatives have to do with this? you are disgusting.

    P.S. like those foaming at the mouth lefties have any interest in you? they are the biggest bunch of anti semites this side of the Tigres-Euphrates (obvious reference intended)
