Nov 4, 2008

He had his 15 minutes, time is up!

the saying goes that everyone has their 15 minutes of fame.

Sometimes, those 15 minutes end fairly abruptly, and everything turns around the opposite after that.

Arkadi Gaydamak had his 15 minutes of fame. There was nobody flying higher than this billionaire two years ago. he was helping refugees durign the war, he was helping the residents fo Sderot through the rocket barrages, he was offering to pay for this or that. He was setting up tent cities. He was the darling of the Israeli public for a bit.

He rode his good fortunes an fame into politics. he started a party for the Knesset. he decided to run for mayor.

Suddenly he was down in the dumps and everybody turned their backs. Some of his businesses started to fail. He made some bad deals and investments, and they were blared in the headlines. he got into some dirty fights with some of his partners and investors.

Now, he can't get a good headline no matter how much he is willing to pay for it. Today the courts put a stay in place banning him from leaving the country, thinking he might run from his debts.

I don't understand how he thinks he is going to win the Jerusalem elections, in which he is still campaigning hard, when all he gets is these bad headlines...

Everyone gets their 15 minutes, but when those 15 minutes are up, it could get nasty!

1 comment:

  1. I feel sad. He is a good man with bad advisers who are just after his money and personal gain. He does have a heart of gold and wants to do so much for Israel. He needs to be embraced, coached, accepted and in some way protected from predators. He deserves to be respected for what he has done for those in need in Israel. he gave vasts sums to Rabbis who wanted his monetary support to help the poor. Now, as for his business... let the one that is lilly white and without blemish cast the first stone. Who has not experienced ups and downs in business? Who has been always sucessful and on track without taking risks? So he has had some bad judgments and so what? He has proved that he is capable in business as he has made a resonable fortune which most of the poor groups of Israelis have benefited from by the help he has extended to those in need. Bottom line however remains tha he is a Jew, a member of our tribe and we should shelter him instead of shunning and ridicule him. He is a Jew and we Jews need to appreciate those who make good and give tzedaka without alterior motif as he has done in the past. Mimzy in ND
